Coin Dealer Directory Guidelines

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Peter T Davis, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Kirkuleez

    Kirkuleez 80 proof

    No one can ever find out about Robert at Gulf South Coins in Metairie, LA.
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  3. Peter T Davis

    Peter T Davis Hammer at the Ready Moderator

  4. torontokuba

    torontokuba Thread Crapper & Hijacker, TP please.

  5. Peter T Davis

    Peter T Davis Hammer at the Ready Moderator

  6. josh's coins

    josh's coins Well-Known Member

    Kirkuleez likes this.
  7. Gizmoe142

    Gizmoe142 To Infinity Coins and beyond!

    Infinity Coins in Idaho Falls, ID
  8. Peter T Davis

    Peter T Davis Hammer at the Ready Moderator

  9. geekpryde

    geekpryde Husband and Father Moderator

    Peter, is there a way to search ONLY within the dealer directory? I cant seem to figure it out.
  10. Peter T Davis

    Peter T Davis Hammer at the Ready Moderator

    That's one of the things I'm still working on.
    geekpryde likes this.
  11. josh's coins

    josh's coins Well-Known Member

    Is it an option you have to figure out how to integrate into the big picture or are you waiting for the developer to add such a feature. Xenforo devs are on top of everything it is quite impressive.

    Also I see that the listings on have state and zip code. How would businesses edit their listing to include phone numbers street addresses and the like?
  12. bikerbob195

    bikerbob195 Member

    did I post this wrong
    ? sorrie if I did an as always I do thank you for all the work with the site you place into it... thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2014
    Peter T Davis likes this.
  13. Coins-of-Germany

    Coins-of-Germany New Member

    Hi Peter, is it possible to add my shop? It is interesting for me
    to get feedbacks from my customers and the visitors of my website.
    many thanks...
  14. Jwt708

    Jwt708 Well-Known Member

  15. Peter T Davis

    Peter T Davis Hammer at the Ready Moderator

  16. chip

    chip Novice collector

    One that I did not see on the directory is Central Stamp & Coin Co. in Modesto California, I visited there while on vacation this year.
  17. Peter T Davis

    Peter T Davis Hammer at the Ready Moderator

  18. coinzip

    coinzip Well-Known Member

    Can I get listed in the online section?
  19. bikerbob195

    bikerbob195 Member

    sorry pet for any impolite posting, did not mean it that way. also so gos to show just how much I do not know about the older coins that yu all love... sorrie
  20. bikerbob195

    bikerbob195 Member

    did not mean any harm in post
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