Can anyone tell me what happened to these coins?

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by ARBIE SANTOS, Mar 11, 2022.


    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    Hey, today I decided to hunt for pennies when I came across these coins specially the 1992 D Penny. The weight of the coin is 2.2 Grams. It does look like die error to me or a wrong planchet. The other coin is a 2008 which has a weight of 2.4 Grams. WIN_20220311_18_00_33_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_00_43_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_00_58_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_01_02_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_02_04_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_03_45_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_04_55_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_07_15_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_06_54_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_05_45_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_04_55_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_03_45_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_03_45_Pro.jpg
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    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    WIN_20220311_18_05_45_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_04_55_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_07_15_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_09_22_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_09_38_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_10_26_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_11_45_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_12_13_Pro.jpg

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  4. Muzyck

    Muzyck Rabbits!

  5. Abramthegreat

    Abramthegreat Well-Known Member

    I don't know but it looks painful
  6. Oldhoopster

    Oldhoopster Member of the ANA since 1982

    Significant Abrasive damage. PMD

    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    Is it really damaged? Why does it look like its spilled on top of the coin? It doesnt look like it was filed down. for example like the word One and LI in Liberty.

    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    WIN_20220311_19_23_00_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_19_26_13_Pro.jpg

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    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    The effected area goes in between the letter B in liberty and as well as the LI
  10. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    It's a damaged coin.

    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    they are saying that it was filed down? It's hard to believe because if it was filed down. Why would it effect the area inside the letter B in Liberty? Can you please explain?
  12. cwart

    cwart Senior Member Supporter

    Without the coin in hand its very hard to say, but I'd bet the word liberty has been ground down very close to the surface of the coin and that allowed the plating inside the B to be worn away.

    And another way to look at it... Explain how in the minting process this could happen to a coin.

    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    Another example. You can see that this is not filed down because you can see it in the letter B in Liberty. Why Does it continue inside the letter B? To me it looks like its a coat of zinc.

  14. cwart

    cwart Senior Member Supporter

    Its been ground down. If you're right and its been covered in zinc by some means that still makes it a damaged coin.
  15. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    To be an error coin , it had to occur in the mint processes...and there is no process which can do this, or there would be hundred thousands of these produced . A bored person with a hand grinder to test. IMO, Jim
    Mountain Man likes this.
  16. Mark68

    Mark68 Well-Known Member

    Genuine dryer coins.

    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    I really thought it was zinc coated. If you look closely in the letter B in Liberty. the effect parts goes through inside the letter B.
  18. cwart

    cwart Senior Member Supporter

    Even if it was zinc coated that's damage, not an error. As @desertgem pointed out an error occurs in the minting process. That wouldn't happen as part of the minting process.
  19. Kentucky

    Kentucky Supporter! Supporter

    The only thing I can think about the letter B is that the copper IS a coating, and as such can chip off. As far as the abrasion, look how Lincoln has lost the front of his coat...
    ARBIE SANTOS likes this.
  20. Mark68

    Mark68 Well-Known Member

    Trying to copy a link. Not working.

    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    These look like it was coated and not filed or grounded down
    WIN_20220311_18_02_04_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_02_04_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_11_45_Pro.jpg
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