Some Partially Plated Cents

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by JCro57, Jul 14, 2019.

  1. JCro57

    JCro57 Making Errors Great Again

    From my collection, a few rather unique-looking partial-plated cents.

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  3. happy_collector

    happy_collector Well-Known Member

    Interesting errors, Joe. Especially like the first 2: one highlighting Lincoln, and the other highlighting the Memorial. :)
  4. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    Gnarly, I like them :)
  5. alurid

    alurid Well-Known Member

    Those are some nice examples. And can be considered Error coins, but not Mint Error coins. For me this is a factor to take into consideration.
    Things are changing all the time.
    Seattlite86 likes this.
  6. JCro57

    JCro57 Making Errors Great Again

    They actually are considered Mint errors.

    The Mint struck them and released those faulty planchets/coins into circulation, regardless if the Mint made the planchets or not.

    Paul Revere, when he was alive, used to own a company that made copper coining/planchet strips which were sold to the Mint. Flaws within those that were struck are also considered Mint errors the same way fully or partial copper-plated zinc planchets that come from Jardens Zinc Products are.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2019
  7. JCro57

    JCro57 Making Errors Great Again

    Some people think I put a drop of acid and stuck those two together. Notice how the area, pattern. and shape of the missing metal is almost visually, physically, and mathematically exact. Amazingly, I did nothong to them except give them a nice home.
    happy_collector likes this.
  8. JCro57

    JCro57 Making Errors Great Again

    Got another one...

    FB_IMG_1593917265601.jpg FB_IMG_1593917269233.jpg
    Seattlite86 and paddyman98 like this.

    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    Are these coins the same as yours?
    WIN_20220311_18_00_33_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_19_23_00_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_19_23_00_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_05_45_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_02_04_Pro.jpg WIN_20220311_18_11_45_Pro.jpg
  10. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    No. Your Cent is obviously damaged.
    See how on Joe's Cents they have an upraised rim and your does not. That's because yours was put on a grinder after it left the Mint.
    JCro57 likes this.
  11. Gorham_Collector

    Gorham_Collector Specializing in Shield Cents

    I do have a question about this penny here.
    2010 d shield cent characteristics wise and how the luster looks and all looks genuine to me. weight is also 2.49 grams.
    Only thing I’ve been questioned about is the rim it still has copper. And it ends right before the edge of the coin which is all zinc and flows with the areas of the on the top and bottom of the obverse.
    I have link below of the coin in video showing its luster as well. And how the focal point where the light spans out is characteristc to that of a normal penny.
    IMG_1543.jpeg IMG_1545.jpeg IMG_1548.jpeg IMG_1553.jpeg
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