2010 Nickel error or damaged?

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by ARBIE SANTOS, Mar 8, 2022.


    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    Hey guys, I just got a box at the bank and got a box of nickel. I found a few good Coins that went into my collection but I am still wondering about this certain coin. I need your professional advice if it is an error coin. I would really appreciate it. WIN_20220308_00_52_43_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_52_34_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_52_16_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_51_49_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_51_11_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_51_07_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_50_48_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_50_37_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_50_14_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_50_14_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_50_37_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_50_48_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_51_07_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_51_11_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_51_49_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_52_16_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_52_34_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_00_52_43_Pro.jpg
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  3. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

    Looks like damage, that said, you do need to post full images of the obverse (front) and reverse (back) of the coin in question. Just one of each would be fine.

    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    Sorry about that. My Micro Camera cant take full pictures of the coin
    274658932_490347119133037_1252342865370926015_n.jpg 274612890_7141535172583022_1316721440806995994_n.jpg
    dwhiz likes this.
  5. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

    ARBIE SANTOS likes this.

    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    Thank you and I appreciate the input.
  7. Oldhoopster

    Oldhoopster Member of the ANA since 1982

    Post mint abrasive damage. Notice all the tiny scratches that wouldn't occur at the mint
    ARBIE SANTOS and Evan Saltis like this.

    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    What about Lincolns face? Do you see that the die has some time of natural indent? Cant the coin get scratched from abuse?
  9. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Where’s Lincoln? That’s Jefferson and all those scratches are damage. Only worth five cents.
    ARBIE SANTOS likes this.
  10. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

    Man-made damage. NAV, and in fact you may have trouble spending it.

    ARBIE SANTOS Active Member

    I was wondering if you can help me identify what these are called. I think that's a printing error
    WIN_20220308_21_22_06_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_21_28_35_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_21_29_13_Pro.jpg WIN_20220308_21_15_35_Pro.jpg
  12. dwhiz

    dwhiz Collector Supporter

  13. Kevin Mader

    Kevin Mader Fellow Coin Enthusiast Supporter

    The nickel was trapped between the fixed and rotating drum of a washing machine. The side facing the rotating drum receives the brunt of the damage. It’s a spender. The cent is damaged too. May have been used to tighten a loose screw.
    ARBIE SANTOS likes this.
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