Fist off I have no ill will against Silver but ever since my safe shel broke...LOL, I decided to stick with gold and hear the same old argument, silver has a ways to get back to $50 an once and GOLD has already topped out but by the time I finish this post its gone up again $2,842.08, My kind of numbers !
I personally love silver just as much as gold. But financially, silver is a lot easier to buy in bulk for a broader amount of people to those who want it. Not too many people my age can go out and just buy 1oz bars of gold when you can get a 10oz silver bar for substantially less, and that just makes it stack a lot faster.
I use to collect 10oz boutique bars, at one time I had allot of them, but the question is where to store them ? they have value so the should be kept under lock and key now if I could just find a lock for underneath by bed...LOL
To a large number of people silver is affordable but gold is too expensive. Therefore, buy what you can.
Lots of folks believe silver will move more percentage-wise than will gold, and they've invested in it for that reason among others, but it hasn't done so. It may be that you're being prodded by some who can't or won't buy as much gold because they're bigger believers in silver. If one can't move the silver market upward with one's own money, maybe they can convince others to pile on and do it for them. It's sort of like convincing others to take a swing at Bitcoin . . . .
Mpcusa, go back to Costco and get them silvers bars and sell them on here. Take the monies and buy more gold.
I figure that if things ever go sideways I'll be able to use 90% silver coins to buy groceries. edited
My nearest Costco store is 60 miles away in California...I'd be tempted but California still has the $2000 threshold and the Johnny Corinos that was a must stop has got be down hill. Now you did it I talked with a guy the other day that put 10k into some Bcoins hoping it goes to a million.
How do you buy from a refiner?? Dealers I guess sell excess metals to refiners, who in turn purity it and turn it into Comex Bars. So can general public buy directly from a refiner.
Back around the 2011 surge, people here were saying refiners usually just sold coins on as coins instead of melting them. Not sure if that's still true, but I hope so...
IF possible A buyer would still have to be a business and probably buy in larger quantities, but doubtful. Maybe just maybe the foreman or management has a thing for a gold piece now and again but it's probably hard to stop the process once in motion?