Which do you support: pre-33 $5 coins or commemorative $5 coins?

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by The Half Dime, Feb 20, 2024.


Which $5 gold piece?

  1. Pre-1933

  2. West Point Commemorative

  1. princeofwaldo

    princeofwaldo Grateful To Be eX-I/T!

    Agree 100%. Could have a mintage of 1, but if the design is ugly --and let's face it, most of them are-- chances of it ever becoming a true collectible are pretty slim. Even some of the modern coins that have seen tremendous interest, are probably a horrible investment long-term. V75 monogrammed coinage immediately comes to mind, I wouldn't buy any of that stuff for half the price it is now trading at.
    green18 and -jeffB like this.
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  3. imrich

    imrich Supporter! Supporter

  4. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    It is what it is, and it's also what I enjoy collecting. My collection is a terrible investment but that's not why I do it. Collecting and investing, in my estimation, are mutually exclusive and my recommendation is don't invest in coins. Gold (to me) is not an investment but more of a hedge against inflation but the few pieces I've bought (non commem) were purchased more for the love of design ($20 Liberty, $10 Liberty) rather than investment or hedging purchases. I know you fellows are correct when you point out that mintages mean nothing when it comes to whether or not someone wants the product but if commems catch fire down the road I'll inadvertently be in the cat bird seat. (devil)
  5. Player11

    Player11 Bullish

    I like slabbed mods close to melt. AGE, AGB, Commems. MS69 and higher.
  6. psuman08

    psuman08 Active Member

    I think there is more to this question. Are you looking for a quick flip? To stack gold or to collect coins? The answers are different.
    imrich and green18 like this.
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