Thinking of a contest for NGC graded 25th Anniversary Silver Eagle Set at cost

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by flyers10, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. I think this is a great idea and very generous of you. However, it will be hard to do within an online forum. I was thinking you could have participants send you their rejection letter from the US Mint but people will not want to give you their true identification though. You may just want to use your local coin club as a venue instead. TC

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  3. rev1774

    rev1774 Well-Known Member

    I never even got thru on the day they went on sale so in some cases there will be no rejection letter..
  4. avr5700

    avr5700 Member

    Der Fuehrer will be *so* excited to hear it! If he wins, he can finally stop ranting all day and all night about it!
  5. avr5700

    avr5700 Member

    Of course if he loses...again...perish the thought. :eek:
  6. bonbonbelly

    bonbonbelly Feel MS68 Look AG3

    Thank you flyers10 for a great attempt at a contest. I hope you work out the details and go ahead with it. Count me in, I never ordered nor received a set and I promise not to flip it if I win. You will have to trust me on that, but I was a Boy Scout so all is good. :smile
  7. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Craig, I think it was you who started a thread last year asking folks to post their stories on how they got into collecting. Why not consider an essay contest on how folks got started collecting ASE's? You and you alone are the judge of each essay. You weigh the merits of each individual essay and declare a winner after the contest time limit. Just throwin' something into the mix.......:)

    [edit] Or you could ask Krispy and myself to assist you with the judging. We'll help you seperate the "wheat from the chaff".......:)
  8. Vess1

    Vess1 CT SP VIP

    Flyers has always been a **** of a good member here. He has ran several contests with great prizes. This is a noble gesture. FWIW, there's a guy that's been in contact with me the last couple days about one of my sets. He fears his order will miss the cut. He just wants to buy one set from me if he doesn't make the cut so I know he just wants one for the collection and is not looking to flip.
  9. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    I've had a few too Vess. I could vouch for those. Just regular "Joes".........
  10. lucyray

    lucyray Ariel -n- Tango

    Why not just put it out there for people you trust to make some recommendations (references if you will), much like what Vess and Green have just done. That might give you some assurance to the honesty(?) of your contest entrants. No recommendation, no entry. There you go. If those recommendations want to then enter your contest, at least you have a reference to give you some comfort.

    With no references, the rest can go to Ebay. No problem there. If we want them badly enough, we'll get them, right?

    Good luck with whatever you decide.

  11. sodude

    sodude Well-Known Member

    I don't think you should do it. It's getting to sound really complicated with you judging people's merits and stuff.

    But I do admire your generosity and the goodness of your intentions.
  12. Pacecar

    Pacecar Well-Known Member

    Great gesture.:) As for the rules/honor system I would allow only current members to play in the contest.(maybe been on here for 30 days already) That's really nice of you to do.
  13. NorthKorea

    NorthKorea Dealer Member is a made up title...

    I didn't attempt to get a set... being from Hawaii basically put me at a HUGE disadvantage. I'd be in for the contest. :D

    Awesome for you to offer it, BTW.
  14. flyers10

    flyers10 Collector of US Coinage

    Thanks Ken..Very good suggestion for sure.Still mulling over what to do..Amazing that having the contest and basically selling it to someone for what I paid for it has generated so much interest. I know they are selling for about twice as much now but still not much of a sacrifice on my part.
  15. flyers10

    flyers10 Collector of US Coinage

    Thanks Vess for the kind words. Not sure if your friend is a coin talk member also. I kinda put this up for the coin talk members and hate to pull the offer to them. If he isn't maybe he can join. You vouching for him what certainly get him in the running. Thanks again.
  16. flyers10

    flyers10 Collector of US Coinage

    Thanks Lucy..not a bad idea at all. You certainly don't need any reference. You have demonstrated your integrity on this board. Thanks
  17. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    You've got to remember that there have been two events which have occurred within the last decade that brought millions of people into the hobby...........

    1) The State Quarter program.
    2) The nearly 900% increase (at one point) in the price of silver.

    .........and many of these "collectors" still don't know what they are doing (bidiots). No offense intended!

    When you also factor in that there have probably been more MS/PF 70's graded in the last 10-12 years than in the previous 50 years (combined) of modern coinage, the result is that pricing is out of control.

    Unfortunately, those people who think they are investing in a good thing will sadly discover that 10, 20 or 30 or more years down the road, many of these "investments" will lose a substantial amount of their value. If you don't think this will happen, all you have to do is look at what happened to the 1995-W SAE.

  18. Vess1

    Vess1 CT SP VIP

    Yes, his username is airraid. He's been quite nervous and vocal about trying to get a set lately. You may have seen him around.

  19. coinperson

    coinperson Member

    What about people who ordered a set and got put on the waiting list and then was told their order was cancelled...are they eligible?
    I haven't received the cancellation letter yet but what if......?
  20. onecoinpony

    onecoinpony Member

    You wanna make one person happy or 5? Maybe one coin to 5 people? Random draw for the RP.
  21. flyers10

    flyers10 Collector of US Coinage

    You bet you are eligible if your order gets cancelled. I hope you get one but if you don't look for contest details in the coming days.
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