The Truth About Basel 3?

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by fretboard, Jun 15, 2021.

  1. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    What is Basel 3, some talk about it like it's gonna be great for both Gold & Silver, so what's the real deal?? :D This Youtube video says Gold is gonna skyrocket but other video's say no it won't! Will it only affect Gold on paper or physical Gold as well? Does it affect the physical Gold Market in the US or not? What's the truth??

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  3. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

  4. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Well-Known Member

    Whenever it is implemented it will basically end the paper derivative markets abilty to manipulate PMs by way of paper trades, as they will have to back up the trades with the metal. So many believe PMs will trade higher do to a more free trading market.

    Basel 3 regulations would most likely go into effect
    during a currencies reset or the "Great Reset" that has trended in the news lately IMO
    fretboard likes this.
  5. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Basel 3 could definitely pump up the price of gold but we'll see! :D Most video's say it will be great for physical holders of gold, here's another one! Lynette Zang is normally spot on but time will tell! :cigar:

    Eric the Red likes this.
  6. crazyd

    crazyd Well-Known Member

    Could you provide examples ?

    I tried to find videos or predictions from the past - say 5-8 years ago. She seems to have been singing the same tune for a while now - inflation is coming buy gold and silver.
  7. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Well-Known Member

    Here is a short video with Alisdair Macleod and his interpretation on Basel 3. Worth watching.

  8. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Well-Known Member

    I have a feeling Basel 3 and the remaining regulations to be implemented prior to 2023 may also coincide somehow with the shift to the digital dollar.

    These changes may all be related with what they are calling The Great Reset. Regardless of when they are inacted they will cause quite a ruckus in global markets. The longer they kick the can down the road the worse it will be.

    Precarious times :)
    Garlicus likes this.
  9. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    No, I'm not gonna look for examples as we all know she represents a company who sells Gold and Silver so she's always gonna be singing the same tune to buy Gold and Silver. :D That said, any Silver video's she made before March 2020 about buying Silver would have been spot on as the retail prices definitely went up! thumbsup.gif
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