still no love for north korea?

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by 9guns, Dec 19, 2011.

  1. 9guns

    9guns Junior Member

    i took advice from brotherjohnf and took a nice sized position on these, i know alot of guys here do not want anything to do with china silver and even more so a commi country like NK but i dont care. these could have very good numismatic potential, my dealer pays 92% of spot on these and he doesn't tell me - no way im not buying those NK coins from you.

    i guess silver still remains silver.

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  3. papermoney54

    papermoney54 Coin Collector

    dude nice. what arre they called. where to get em. i got an unc nk 100 won bill
  4. 9guns

    9guns Junior Member

    i got them from apmex, they are .925, search apmex north korean 10
    won but they are out of stock now.
  5. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Many just draw a line at buying current stuff from a brutal regime who murder their own people. Sorry, but I will not buy anything from such a country while its supporting such policies. I have no problem collecting coins from Ghengis Khan, Stalin, Hitler, and the like, since my collecting TODAY cannot possibly benefit them. However, a strong resale price for N. Korean coins WOULD benefit a brutal, murderous regime, and I personally cannot do that.

    Just my opinion.

  6. stlouiscoin

    stlouiscoin New Member

    well, atleast their leader died saturday, but his son is probably already scheming of ways to be evil as dictator..
  7. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Or the rest of the world including the US is thinking of ways to kill him off too!! :D It's a shame I can't see the pic but the price may have gone up. Although I don't like the idea of supporting a commie country, I've kept my eyes open for some actual NK coins for quite awhile now. :thumb:
  8. fatima

    fatima Junior Member

    North Korea is directly supported by Communist China. So every American shopping a Walmart or most any other store for their Christmas tat, is supporting that regime.

    Moral of the story, the orgin of the coins are irrelevant. To the OP, nice haul. Coins can be reminders to appreciate what you have.
  9. InfleXion

    InfleXion Wealth Preserver

    BrotherJohnF's is my favorite YouTube channel. He isn't always right, but I almost always agree with him. That being said, I'd feel much better holding silver from US, Canadian, or Perth mints. I have 2 rules with silver rounds. They must weigh 31 grams and say 999 fine. I wouldn't be concerned about these since your dealer is willing to buy them, but you might have a hard time selling to a private party.
  10. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

    I bought a half dozen of them off from Apmex awhile back just for some novelty/diversity.
  11. wagsthadog

    wagsthadog New Member

    Hi there-

    Maybe this is the way we can overthrow the government in North Korea! We buy all their silver and send them all our worthless paper money...They surely can't withstand our inevitable hyperinflation...:eek:

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