several recent attacks on Bitcoin services

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by SilverForLife, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Tyler

    Tyler Active Member

    At the time you responded to that chart(4:41PM) the price of BitCoins were roughly $90. Now they are $65. So....yeah...normal profit taking...
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  3. jallengomez

    jallengomez Cessna 152 Jockey

    We'll see.
  4. Blaubart

    Blaubart Melt Value = 4.50

    More like "Man the life boats!" :too-funny:
  5. SilverForLife

    SilverForLife Member

    41% not 50%.................
    Executive Order 6102 required all persons to deliver on or before May 1,1933, all but a small amount of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificatesowned by them to the Federal Reserve, in exchange for $20.67 per troy ounce.
    The price of gold from the Treasury for international transactions wasthereafter raised to $35 an ounce resulting in an immediate loss for everyonewho had been forced to surrender their gold. The resulting profit that thegovernment realized funded the Exchange Stabilization Fund established by theGold Reserve Act in 1934.
    41% Loss
  6. SilverForLife

    SilverForLife Member

    You still think this BS?
  7. Blaubart

    Blaubart Melt Value = 4.50

    Indeed. And let's not forget that this was gold we're talking about, not Dollars. If we were talking about Dollars, then I'd argue they didn't lose any money selling their $10 coins for $20.67.

    Also, the executive order didn't completely ban gold, and it didn't ban silver at all.

    So, again, when was the last time the US Dollar lost 50% of its value in a single day? (Value as in purchasing power, not intrinsic value)
  8. SilverForLife

    SilverForLife Member

    Tyler needs to have better QC on his facts.:hail:
  9. Nuglet

    Nuglet Active Member

    I have wondered where Juan Blanco went. Probably to his own private island with his billions he made on bitcoin. :)
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