SBSS new coin redoubt.....

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by Diversified, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Diversified

    Diversified New Member

    That will drain the bank!!

    Now, if we are talking about moderation......
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  3. Rassi

    Rassi #GoCubs #FlyTheW #WeAreGood

    Yes, I just got this too. Very cryptic...

    Wonder how long it'll take for the real reason to get out???
  4. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    Why moderation? You only have to be faster than them.

  5. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    It's probably very hard for them to locate an adequate supply of 30% silver. Maybe they should try Shanghai.

  6. Diversified

    Diversified New Member

    Are the two of you saying this email is of recent?

    When did SBSS first start selling their medallions? They could be way under water if they bought a considerable amount of silver 6 months ago.
  7. Diversified

    Diversified New Member

    Are you insinuating that their 1oz silver medallions are not .999
  8. cpm9ball

    cpm9ball CANNOT RE-MEMBER

    I've never seen one of their medallions, let alone had it assayed. I was only making a supposition.

  9. John14

    John14 Active Member

    Your image looks a lot less blurry than the one they emailed me. Where did you find the new Redoubt design (if you don’t mind me asking)?
  10. Diversified

    Diversified New Member

    The blurry picture is from their website. The clear one is here
  11. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

  12. Diversified

    Diversified New Member

    Well if nothing else, and this guy goes down as just another large ponzi scheme, the medallions may have some worth in the end just for the story behind them.

    Enjoyed chatting with all of you.
  13. Blaubart

    Blaubart Melt Value = 4.50


    Perhaps this was meant for one of the Bitcoin threads? :too-funny:
  14. Zlotych

    Zlotych Member

    The designs were getting better and better. Freedom Girl is pretty exquisite in my opinion. And then they move to this? That design is laughably horrible, like it has to be a joke. Combine this with their recent shut down and their new 20 round minimum order, and I think they're screwing themselves.
  15. Rassi

    Rassi #GoCubs #FlyTheW #WeAreGood

    Zloytch, I still haven't seen the "20 round minimum" mentioned anywhere but here...their "reopening" message never said anything about it.

    As for the email that said their re-opening is on hold, that email was sent to me late this afternoon....
  16. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

    from an email they sent

  17. chrisild

    chrisild Coin Collector

    Hehehe. But ...

    See post #6 in this very topic. (The Wikipedia image page - click on the medal that they call a coin - also provides a link to the image source.) In other words, we're fast and we're everywhere. But, please, everybody ... don't try and prove the contrary. :D

  18. Diversified

    Diversified New Member

    There is a video posted by Chris Duane where he does say a 20 round minimum. He said something on the lines of 80% of their silver sold is purchased in bulk. 20% is sold by the piece. the 20% costs 80% more then the 80% bulk purchases....or something along those lines.

    As far as the Ponzi scheme comment, I do think that is a bit harsh. But as far as him preaching about all he does and then selling memberships on his website and T-shirts and such he is not the man he portrays himself to be.
  19. Diversified

    Diversified New Member

    I would be pretty livid if I had paid for a SBSS medallion when the going price of silver was in the low 30's, and still waiting on it while silver drops.
  20. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

    so you're not real familiar with bullion. if you just want raw silver, buy bars
  21. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Best to be a collector and not an investor dear fellow..........
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