No kidding, can I ask what you paid OR pay for them? How big of a collection do you have. I have a couple dozen I liberated from machines in Laughlin and a few I picked up in package deals. There was a time every collection you looked at had a few. The flamingo Laughlin strike should be worth a bit more after the casino changed to aquarius? Do you also collect the $7 silver strikes or the larger ones? Wonder if there is a place to look up mintage numbers other than
I dont currently have any, have kind of switched my focus from Silver to Gold still have allot of chin woos just about every year and have a few 10 oz bars that iam holding on to, right now focusing on 1 OZ GOLD KRUGERS just got one in today but I wont post here because its GOLD and not Silver..LOL
You don't see them much anymore. I pick them up when I come across them for around $20 each on average. I find a couple here and there at coin shops. Occasionally they appear on APMEX or JM Bullion. I just bought this last batch this from APMEX. They were right around $22 on APMEX. I currently own $10 and $20 pieces, but intend on expanding my collection.
I find the $7 strikes interesting. They bring pretty good money for the amount of actual silver content. I remember playing the 25¢ slot machines in Laughlin that would spit these strikes out.
I just bought the last three $7 Tokens on apmex They were $26 each, a little pricy for the silver content, but cool and collectable none the less
My local place had a dozen a couple years ago that someone had brought in over the counter. They were asking $11ea, I snapped them all up. Those were the days before supply dried up.
I especially like the John Hardin. That tone makes it feel like the Old West. This Circus Circus is the only one I have.
Thanks for that link ! It's very useful. I have a few more tokens coming in within the next week or so. I will post them when they arrive.
That link is very resourceful it has a good gallery of bars, was the only place of reference I could find with silver casino bars like the Mahoney's silver nugget and Silver City bars.