Featured Post Your Renaissance Coins!

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by ycon, Jun 10, 2018.

  1. ycon

    ycon Renaissance Man

    I've been posting on the ancient board for awhile, but I thought I might trot out some of my coins here for a change.

    I've been focusing my collecting on Italian Renaissance coins, specifically those with dies that can be attributed to an individual Renaissance artist. So far I have coins by Cellini, Francia, Cesati, and Caradossa. Leone Leoni, Galeotti, and Poggini are all on my wantlist. I also consider Paduans by Cavino to fall into this category.

    Post you Renaissance coins and Paduans (and medals, but especially coins)! For the purpose of this thread let's consider coins minted between 1400-1650 to be "Renaissance," especially if they show classical influence or naturalism, or are from Italy.

    Without further ado, here are my coins:

    Papal States.Clement VII (Giuliano de’Medici), 1523-1534, Rome mint. Doppio Carlino, AR 5.01 g. CLEMENS·VII PONT· MAX Bearded bust left with ornate cope with figures of saints and medallion. Rv. Mintmark of Giacomo Balducci. QVARE – DVBITASTI (Matthew 14:31) Christ lifting St. Peter from the Sea. Muntoni 43. Berman 841. Rare. VF, profile of Clement slightly doubled. Dies by Benvenuto Cellini.


    Alessandro de'Medici (1532-1536) First Duke of Florence. Mezzo giulio. CNI 24/29. MIR 105. AG. g. 1.60 RRR. O: ALEXANDER MED R P FLOREN DVX crowned coat of arms. R: IOANNES BAPTISTA Haloed bust of St. left., with cross and hair shirt. Scratch in the field of R / VF. Dies by Benvenuto Cellini.

    lf-1edit (1).jpg

    Papal States. Paul III (1534-1549) gold Scudo d'Oro XF (AU50 NGC) Rome mint, 3.33g, B-905, Fr-65. S PAVLVS VAS | ELECTIONIS, St. Paul standing facing, fleur below, head slightly right with halo, epistles in right hand, sword in left / PAVLVS III | PONT • MAX, pontifical arms. Dies by Benvenuto Cellini.


    Bologna. John II Bentivoglio (1494-1506). Pattern Testone. 1494. O/ II BONONIENSIS IOANNES BENTIVO LVS. Capped bust to the. R/ B XIMILIANI IMPERATORIS MVNV MCCCCLXXXX IIII. Chim.221. Hill 606. AE 10.96g 29.00mm RR. Original strike. Plugged hole. XF.Dies engraved Francesco Raibolini called Francesco Francia.


    Duchy of Milan. Galeazzo Maria Sforza (1488-1494) - Testone - Right: armored duke's bust on the right - Reverse: coat of arms surmounted by helmet with crest decorated with crested dragon; on the sides embers with the buckets and initials - gr. 9.56 - Old cabinet toning (CNI V / 171/76) (Crippa II / 197 / 6B) (Biaggi No. 1548) Dies by Cristoforo Foppa called Caradosso.


    Papal States, Rome. Giulio III (Giovanni Maria Ciocchi del Monte), 1550-1555. Year II 1551-2. Giulio. Ar gr. 3.03. Ø 27.27 mm. Obv. IVLIVS·III - ·P·M·Anno·II Bust with tonsure and embroidered cope to l.; II below. Rev. OMNIA·TVTA· - ·VIDES / ROMA "He sees everything." Virgil’s Aeneid 1:583 Roma as a legionary in armor seated left on the seven hills, holding a laurel wreath; below l., mint master sign A‡C of Bartolomeo Canobio and, to r., ROMA. CNI XV p.430 n.55; Muntoni 16; Berm. 992. Rare. Near VF. Dies likely by Alessandro Cesati, called Grechetto.

    Galba. AD 68-69. Cast Æ “Sestertius” (32mm, 20.26 g). Paduan type. 1500-1570. Obv: IMP. SER. SVLP. GALBA CAES. AVG. TR. POT. Laureate bust of Galba, r., draped. Rev: The emperor on a platform, l., addressing five soldiers with standards. L. and r., in field, S.C. In exurge, ADLOCVT. Klawans Obverse type 3, reverse type 4. VF. Later cast after Giovanni da Cavino
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  3. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

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  4. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    I have a ton, here is my first example...
    Kingdom of Hungary
    AV Dukat 1531 K-B Kremnitz Mint
    Ferdinand I of Habsburg 17cd65c29f4ec80e05ffbbef3eed6282.jpg
  5. jgenn

    jgenn World Crown Collector

    1629 scudo of Odoardo Farnese, Duke of Parma and Piacenza, from 1622 - 1646.

    tibor, robinjojo, alde and 9 others like this.
  6. Siberian Man

    Siberian Man Senior Member

    Margravity Meissen.
    First half of XV century.
    47.jpg 48.jpg
  7. Siberian Man

    Siberian Man Senior Member

    Prague groshen.
    XIV century.
    139.jpg 140.jpg
    tibor, alde, Jwt708 and 1 other person like this.
  8. Siberian Man

    Siberian Man Senior Member

    Kingdom of Hungary.
    Denar of Matthias I. This coin was released between 1482/1486.
    195.jpg 196.jpg
    tibor, panzerman, alde and 4 others like this.
  9. Siberian Man

    Siberian Man Senior Member

    Half groshen 1561.
    45.jpg 46.jpg
    tibor, robinjojo, panzerman and 5 others like this.
  10. ycon

    ycon Renaissance Man

    Great coins everyone!
  11. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Those are some great coins, ycon!
    ycon likes this.
  12. Chris B

    Chris B Supporter! Supporter

    German States 1596 Thaler from Brunswick Wolfenbuttel GerBru159603.jpg GerBru159604.jpg
  13. ycon

    ycon Renaissance Man

    panzerman likes this.
  14. brg5658

    brg5658 Supporter! Supporter

    I think this may be my only qualifying coin.

  15. coin_nut

    coin_nut Well-Known Member

    I have this one labeled as 1617-1619 German States 3 kreuzer, Paul Sixtus I. Appears to be hammered silver, quite small, thin coin. 1617-1619 GS 3 k obv.JPG 1617-1619 GS 3 k rev.JPG
    panzerman, galba68, Jwt708 and 6 others like this.
  16. cmezner

    cmezner do ut des Supporter

    Italy, Michele Steno, Venice 1400 - 1413, 1 Ducat (1 Zecchino)
    20 mm, 3.54 g
    Friedberg 1230, Biaggi 2858, Gamberini 137
    Obverse: St. Mark standing at left presenting staff with pennant and DVX vertically at top to doge kneeling at right; MICHAEL STEN S./M./V./E/N/E/T/I/ D//V//X//
    Reverse: full length facingChrist within beaded ellipse lined with stars;

    Michele Steno, (Michiel Sten in Venetian Language) was a Venetian statesman who served as the 63rd Doge of Venice from December 1, 1400 until his death on December 26, 1413.

    #34-IMG_4688.jpg #34-IMG_4689.jpg
    Theodosius, tibor, panzerman and 8 others like this.
  17. talerman

    talerman Well-Known Member

    I don't have any by Benvenuto Cellini but here is one by a less famous Italian diecutter, Gaspare Molo

    PAPAL STATES Rome Urban VIII Quattrino n.d (1623-44)
    Obv.: VRBANVS._VIII.P.MAX. Tiara and crossed keys over shield with Barberini family arms (3 bees) dividing MOL. GAS. (= Gaspare Mola, dc)
    Rev.: VIVIT _DEVS (God is living) The Archangel St. Michael, brandishing a sword in his right hand and holding the scales of Justice in his left, tramples on Lucifer lying on ground; in exergue ROMA
    Berman 1771. CNI XVI, p.373,792v.

    Papal States Urban VIII Quattrino nd obv 731.jpg Papal States Urban VIII Quattrino nd rev with St Michael expelling devil  732.jpg
    tibor, panzerman, Cucumbor and 3 others like this.
  18. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    I've already admired your avatar, but that Milanese testone is a stunner! The Cellini scudo d'oro is impressive, too. All great stuff.

    Here is a rather humble French billon douzain of Charles VIII ("the Affable"), which has been in my unsorted and unresearched "cheapo" pile. Just got the ID on it today, with the help of the forums. (Thanks, @Mark Metzger! I had been confused by a misattribution written on the 40-50-year-old 2x2 holder.)

    Last edited: Jun 12, 2018
    tibor, panzerman, galba68 and 5 others like this.
  19. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

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  20. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

  21. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

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