Is anyone considering the 2017 Palladium Eagle when it is released? The design looks appealing and the metal has greatly outperformed gold, silver and platinum over the last few years.
I've considered it, for all the reason above. The design is great IMO. I'm not sure what I'll do though.
Love the design. But I don't think I'd be able to afford it. Why can't they make these designs in silver?????
Quite a few years ago a nurse where I worked got a call at Christmas from her brother in Florida. He owns a hotel chain and a few gyms. He told her to invest in Palladium as he could see it was about to take a big jump. At that time it was $318 a troy ounce. Of course I didn't buy any.
I wish they used this design and updated the ASE which I believe was the recommendation for the design at some point. I also find it funny how despite the CCAC's constant harping on how it's time for new designs, that we keep ending up with classic designs of those dead sculpter's that we need to 'get over'. I'd also probably be in for a couple with it being a first year coin and all.
I know Iron Man's suit has a lot of Palladium in it. How liquid is it though? Are premiums high like Platinum?
How liquid? Well I'm guessing not everyone wants to buy it. Not like silver. Canada was where I looked for palladium coins back when it was $318/oz. US has never made a coin of it as most of us may know. Like any fad, at first it will be sought after, but how long will that last?
Palladium has me confused. I always thought palladium is basically a poor man's platinum, used for similar catalysts. Now, though, palladium is almost the same as platinum.
Palladium and Rhodium are an alternative to Platinum in manufacturing. Thus their rise. When one gets more expensive than the other then they switch metals. I'd be curious how they keep going as graphene/iodine catalysts make it from the lab to manufacturing as not only are they cheaper, but more than 30% more efficient.