Norfed-Liberty Dollars

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by tmoneyeagles, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. downlow

    downlow Collection Collector

    I just sold all of mine. Then I bought some more and sold them too. Actually I donated them all to the republican candidates, except for Ron Paul.
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  3. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    Irony. :rolleyes:
  4. awwatchdog1

    awwatchdog1 Member

  5. saltysam-1

    saltysam-1 Junior Member

    It appears that snow treasure may be trying to give us a snow job.
  6. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

  7. fatima

    fatima Junior Member

    please delete, duplicate
  8. fatima

    fatima Junior Member

    When the Gubment tells people they can't have something, the demand and hence prices, go up. These coins have gotten hard to find. I haven't seen one at a coin show in a long time.
  9. awwatchdog1

    awwatchdog1 Member

    but they are still legal to own....? I could not find any new word on them?
  10. fatima

    fatima Junior Member

    There is no law that I can think of that would deem them to be illegal to own.
  11. rush2112

    rush2112 Junior Member

    First time I have ever heard of this coin. I am not a big fan of the Federal Reserve and I like Ron Paul, but to think that a coin, created by some guy that also created the Free Marijuana Church of Honolulu, a coin thats hard to find, illegal to use and considered counterfeit could undermine the current US dollar, is to the point of being beyond ridiculous.
    The US dollar has much bigger problems to contend with other than this coin.
  12. mkwelbornjr

    mkwelbornjr Junior Member

    The Liberty Dollars were usually made by Sunshine Mint...of course they are just a contractor for anyone who wants a coin made. Their quality is good but some of the Liberty Dollar's are rough...I wonder if there are fakes floating around (design rip-offs) or different mints made then. Bernard Von Nothaus also was part of the Royal Hawaiian Mint that sold privately minted pieces. Those pieces resemble some of the Liberty Dollar features.

    Seriously the government's claims were absurd. All Liberty was doing was selling medals in exhange for money (which was a fair price for a one ounce round with nice detail) and then offering to buy them back (no different than a return policy with a fancy story).

    Thanks to the very friendly people at ANACS for slabbing my Liberty Dollar (only for protection and looks of course).

  13. nak

    nak New Member

    1998/1999 double date

    I have a 1998/1999 DOUBLE DATE Norfed-Liberty Dollar and Ihave no idea what it is worth. Should I slab it, to max my return? And whatcompany should I go with?

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  14. saltysam-1

    saltysam-1 Junior Member

    There isn't any grey sheet or bid and asking prices for these. It is simply a matter of agreement by a buyer and seller. There are some prices mentioned earlier in this thread and I know Heritage has sold them in the past, so check their archives. Since there are some conflicting statements about the disposition of these so called coins, I would call the TPG of your choice and ask your grading questions directly. Sometimes legal decisions are made quietly and without a lot of publicity, so I would get them to clarify their position about grading before you send it in. You wouldn't want to find out the hard way, they won't return it or evaluate it for what ever reasons.
  15. nak

    nak New Member

    Sound Advice. I don’t want to find out the hard way. It’sbetter to lay low till the heat is off. It’s sad that I sound like a criminal,because I did nothing wrong by buying these Norfed tokens back in 2002.
  16. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    Photographing copper has always baffled me. I guess I'm getting better at it though.

    Point and shoot camera, probably close to two years ago:

    Using my Nikon D3100, a few minutes ago:
  17. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

    Took photos of some more. Now the entire collection has been photographed with my Nikon D3100! Unfortunately my camera and editing skills are much better now than they were in some of the photos featured earlier in this thread.
    I imagine I will rephotograph everything eventually, but for now I'm happy with the photos for the most part.

    Everything below is all of my collection (minus the duplicates/dollars for sale)

    This first one was a gift to me from member "notsure"
    Haven't seen him around in a while, just thought I'd give him a shout out.






    My favorite:









    One of the best photos I've taken of a coin ever, by far:


    Thanks for looking y'all!
  18. fatima

    fatima Junior Member

    Very nice collection. Thanks for sharing it.
  19. PeacePeople

    PeacePeople Wall St and stocks, where it's at

  20. ocjoe949

    ocjoe949 Active Member

    Ahh man, I wish I would have been on this thread earlier. I actually got lucky a few months ago when silver was around $29ish I bought these two for a dollar over. I knew what they were and snatched them up. I would love a big 5 oz'er, or a 1998. For now I'll take my 99's and love them. They are matching and have a proof finish.
  21. tmoneyeagles

    tmoneyeagles Indian Buffalo Gatherer

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