"NOTICE: We are experiencing extremely high order volumes and our servers are being strained. As a result, the website is slower than normal and we are unable to process orders over the phone. Please continue trying to place your order online. We are working to resolve the issue and appreciate your patience. Thank you for choosing Provident Metals!"
Well, mintproducts.com has dropped their price on ASE's down to $29. I bought a few from them two weeks ago for $34. I'm actually amazed that they dropped the price.......
Damn I'm itching to buy but I don't want to have it drop another $100 or silver drop below $20 an hour after I order. What is everyone else doing? And what are some of the productions on how low they will go.. I've heard $1200 for gold but what about silver? Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
I am just cooling my heels (mostly because I do not have the cash)..It will take some mighty low prices to get me to break out the credit card
Personally, I wouldn't put off any purchases I had planned, but I won't go out of my way to "catch a falling knife".
just look at silver price on ebay http://www.ebay.com/sch/Bullion-/39482/i.html?_sop=10&_from=R40&_nkw=silver&rt=nc&LH_BIN=1 newely listed
I Just bought a tube of silver Canadian Pronghorn Antelopes and 2 silver Pandas because the tubes are now disappearing fast.
I buy from mint products there prices are just a tad higher on ASE than others but for the shipping you come out ahead on but it seems they quit updating the drop in silver as they still have it at over 23 an ounce
http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=330905363018&index=1&nav=SEARCH&nid=65554831517 They want 32 an ounce for an order of 12500 lol
is this price right http://www.ebay.com/itm/2013-1-oz-A...-Monster-Box/271182952023?hash=item3f23c37657
Unless you think silver is going up more than 19.9% in a year, or whatever your credit card interest rate is, that's a bad plan.