never seen silver drop so fast $25.85

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by enochian, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. scyther

    scyther New Member

    What was so bad in 2011 that's fine now? I don't care if you want a low silver price.
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  3. scyther

    scyther New Member

    So that's why the ones who were smart enough to see that ahead of time didn't just "buy a ton more". It would have been a stupid thing to do from an investment standpoint.
  4. txguy

    txguy Active Member

    I see silver go lower than 24. The snowball effect is occurring. People selling silver dollars in my neck of the woods like crazy. Getting some really good deals.
  5. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    hey it went up a little


    sorry just trying to add to this post i started that i have realy no knowledge in
  6. yakpoo

    yakpoo Member

  7. Collector1966

    Collector1966 Senior Member

    It is not really possible to come up with a "real cost of production" for silver, because there are relatively few stand-alone silver mines today. Nowadays, silver is often just a by-product of the mining of other metals, like gold, copper, zinc and lead, and is separated from those other metals during the process for separating the main metals. While there is some expense incurred in this separation, there is almost no expense incurred in the mining process when silver is not the main metal being targeted.
  8. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

    Being accused of being "blinded by the shiny".

    In a bullion forum?

    it's not an investment, it's a hedge.
  9. shanhartzell

    shanhartzell Member

    I think this whole thing smells of master manipulation, we will see more decline on paper. The pyhiscal aspect, is the one I am looking at. There is nothing backing the mountains of paper currency being printed to stimulate the worlds econimies. I also believe that there is a high undercurring demand for these hard assets in hand, at some point there will be a call for the Gold standard to return and back these mountains of paper. Cyprus is just the very tip of the iceburg, this ride will not be for the weak hearted. For some it is litteraly a financial bloodbath of a nature not seen before, even the carnage of the 80's is pale compared to what is being pulled now.
  10. JJK78

    JJK78 Member

    I'm with you Shanhartzell~ The price is just paper gold and silver, I went to a coin show yesterday and it was tough to find an oz of silver for less then $30, even generic rounds... I can imagine that just about every local place is going to be "sold out" for a bit until things turn around...

    I'm not gonna lie, as much as I want to buy more I didn't think they would be able to take it down this far... I would love to see the teens again... just before it goes to the moon :)
  11. Clutchy

    Clutchy Well-Known Member

    Remind me never to look at the silver market when Im in a bad mood already. $23.76/oz.
  12. Moto450

    Moto450 Member

    I Smell a Buying Opportunity coming My way soon. I just don't think it will stay low for long, I may be wrong but I don't think so, they are printing paper until they run out of ink.

    Something has got to give sooner or later. So I will wait for the right time and Buy Low to make up for stuff I bought High. No Worries here ;)
  13. Blaubart

    Blaubart Melt Value = 4.50

    I wasn't up early enough to get an order in while it was in the $23's, but I bought a bunch at $24.10 or so. It was rising so fast that I added some 2013 Canadian Silver Wood Bisons at about $24.05, some Maples at $24.10, and some Libertads at $24.15 or so. Also picked up a few Freedom Girls since they were selling for a lot less than one could have picked them up originally.

    Despite all of this, I would LOVE to see $20/Oz by the end of the week. :D
  14. RaceBannon

    RaceBannon Member

    Gold below 1400 for the first time in over 2 years! All the financial websites are leading off with that headline. The panic is on!!! Run for the hills!!!


    (insert sarcasm here):D
  15. silentnviolent

    silentnviolent accumulator--selling--make an offer I can't refuse

    Heh, I get to go do an appraisal today on a collection (if they aren't snowed in) and make an offer. Now I'm super glad they didn't follow through a couple weeks ago :)
  16. WoodyWW

    WoodyWW Junior Member

    People who had 1/2 their net worth or so then in PM suddenly felt like schmucks for not having sold some--I remember a coin dealer telling me in late 1979 or very early 1980 that it was time to sell PM & rare coins & go to cash. Did I listen? Of course not. And then cash did become the thing to have as a nasty recession set in. And there are always people who have to sell at the wrong time; that's the way bear markets work.

    I got an e-mail apmex ad today. Their reasons for buying silver: "The value of silver has gone up 500% since 2000" (the "buy whatever's already gone up the most" theory of investing I suppose),

    &: "1 oz of silver costs less than a tank of gas". Really??? That's a reason to buy silver?? Does that make sense to anyone? I have an 18 gallon tank; if at some point they send me an ad: "Five ounces of silver costs less than a tank of gas", I'll get really interested....

    I have no clue what will happen with silver prices of course.....but a lot of people who went all in at $30 may start to Lose the Faith I think should it go to $10-$12 and stay there for a long time.....
  17. wgpjr

    wgpjr Collector

    Decided to take the plunge and order the Olympic 2011 5oz ATB coin. Under $140, cheapest I've seen it and well worth it IMO!
  18. shanhartzell

    shanhartzell Member

    They should pay me to stay
  19. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Well, I know for a fact you ain't buyin' that from the US Mint..........:devil:
  20. Danr

    Danr Numismatist

    remember the old advice: never try to catch a falling knife
  21. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    I remember that term being used quite frequently back when I first joined CT.........
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