Buyer's remorse has already set in. I just wasted $15 in shipping. Should have waited till I had cash to place a $7500 order.
Hmm... not a good night for selling, I think. I was patting myself on the back for snagging 25 Mercs for $45 shipped earlier in the day; suddenly, even that's above melt! Oh, well, maybe I can land the next batch for $40. 10x face, anyone? 5x? Edit: lots listed at 20x FV shipped on eBay are still being snatched up in less than two minutes. Maybe I should consider selling a bit into that market... nah.
when i first started buying it was around 8 or 9 x face. i do miss those days. wish i started when it was 4 and 5x face though
oh well I thought I did good when I bought a roll of ASE for $30.43 and a St. Gauden AU+ for $1668. But whatever wasn't planning on selling anyway heck I hope silver drops to $10 and gold drops to $500 I'll buy $30k worth.
Don't feel so bad, I've paid shipping to 2 different sites today already. I'm not bent over it at all, just happy to be able to buy at these prices and that the coins I really want are still in stock. Added to the 2013's today; Fiji takus, Somali elephants, and kookaburras. For those of us who believe that precious metals will be revalued in the future according to the amount of money that has been created these prices are an absolute steal.
3.3x at dealers, 3x when buying from the seller. Different times then, though, and a dollar was worth more then. "Good old days" are great for stories, but don't help you make decisions today. I am hoping for around $1100 or so gold. I have a world coin shopping list i would love to fulfil.
Ever get the impression Ebay is like small local auctions where they almost always way overpay for common crappy coins? I get that a lot.
patience is a virtue... at this point the premiums are going up, I will probably wait until things level out and, premiums go back down a bit or stop going up.
Gee, gosh darn, gee wilikers........wonder if the US mint will adjust their prices......... Well, I can dream, can't I?
Then you have very limited mind. Just because you use silver as a hedge against "really bad things" that you don't want to happen doesn't mean no one else wants higher prices. Some people use silver to try to protect of even increase their purchasing power, not merely to fare better in some imagined apocalyptic scenario. Also, higher prices do not necessarily correlate to bad things. It was close to $50 in 2011. We were fine then. And if it goes back down to $5 now, that won't mean everything's well in the world. But apparently you're so blinded by the shiny that you can't see anything else. Sad.
Maybe because they didn't have a ton more money? Is such a simple concept really beyond your comprehension? PEOPLE DON'T HAVE INFINITE MONEY. Not even you do, although you seem to think so. And even if they could buy a ton more, why buy something that's losing value? People who bought silver in 1980 fared very badly until the mid-2000s. Good thing a lot of them didn't take the advice of people like you and put their money into something more profitable.