never seen silver drop so fast $25.85

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by enochian, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    GD, really? Mine is 8.something and i think that is high.
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  3. Danr

    Danr Numismatist

  4. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    the only thing he was selling
  5. Danr

    Danr Numismatist

    I just looked at a 3 day silver chart. I am not a chart expert but I'd say there is more down-side in the next few days.
  6. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    down 30 cents silver.gif
  7. medoraman

    medoraman Supporter! Supporter

    Its official. A dollar invested in silver this year has now lost MORE than one quarter its value, and even more if you bought physical and had to sell today.
  8. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Blood in the streets........time to buy........soon. Not yet, soon.
  9. Danr

    Danr Numismatist

    not if it was a volcano puck
  10. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    No, more like "the premium people have to pay to get physical silver right now, is going to go way up while spot price goes way down"
  11. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    going back up

  12. westnlas

    westnlas Member

    Actually, I have. In fact at the end of the Hunt Bros fiasco (for me) anyway. I was left with some 1000 oz bars I at a later point sold at a loss. Gold wasn't quite so bad as my cost average over time softened the blow. It should always be remembered that the PM market is greatly underfunded and rather small, thus subject to manipulation not only by individuals by governments as well as banks and other major players. When gold fell just below the $1500 threshold spurred by dismal economic reports out of China and the Cypress sell off, the avalanche really picked up steam. Silver simply followed on gold coattails. IMHO
  13. Danr

    Danr Numismatist

    we shall see- I for one will start the day tomorrow with Kitco
  14. enochian

    enochian silver eater

    or this topic
  15. phalanxcronos

    phalanxcronos Member

    Rebounding slightly, was waiting for silver to drop below $22 and gold to drop below $1300 to pull the trigger on a modest buy (2oz gold, 50oz silver) going to keep watch.
  16. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    well at least you are here :)

    so why arent you posting?
  17. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    first bounce jim? or not yet?
  18. Collector1966

    Collector1966 Senior Member

    I think one of the "problems" with silver is that it is held in reserve by many mines around the world as a by-product of base metal mining. In many countries, the objective of mining is not merely to earn money, but also to provide long-term employment. Base metals have also recently taken a hit, so base metal mines that were sitting on a silver stockpile may have decided to liquidate some or most of their silver holdings to make up for the shortfall caused by falling base metals prices to ensure continuous cash flow and employment.

    I doubt that there are official data that can confirm that, but as someone with ties to the international mining industry, I know this is a very likely scenario. Of course, it cannot explain the entire picture, but it more than likely is a piece of it.
  19. krispy

    krispy krispy

    Eh...! I thought I had been posting. :eek: :D

    There's not really much to get overly excited about, yet, and everyone seems to know what's up or, rather what's down.
  20. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

    gold went down $143 yesturday ouch!:eek: what is causes this ?
  21. phalanxcronos

    phalanxcronos Member

    Damn now I'm kicking myself for not buying just a little when silver was $22.01.

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
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