Longacre Doubling... this is new knowledge to me

Discussion in 'US Coins Forum' started by No_Ragrets, Aug 11, 2024.

  1. No_Ragrets

    No_Ragrets Self-proclaimed Amateur Numismatist

    Hi everyone! Hopefully you've had a nice weekend and we're not inconvenienced too much by the passing hurricane remnants. Personally, I was glad it tracked through central PA instead of the I-95 corridor, but I feel for those in the path.

    Anyways, I've just recently (like within the past hour) heard about Longacre doubling, after a nice acetone bath for some coins headed to my 7070. One of which is my 1865 2-cent piece. I hadn't noticed this until after the soaking, but now it's standing out to me like a lobster crawling out of someone's ears.

    Certainly there is a pool of knowledge here that I still have yet to even dip my toes into, so I thought I'd bring this up to see if I can maybe learn something new and ask your opinions on this particular coin. I've done a bit of research on this so far, but it's minimal in comparison to actual knowledge from the learned folk here. I'll keep digging, but I'd sincerely appreciate your input if you have anything to share. Thank you, and have a nice evening! 20240811_173409.jpg 20240811_173337.jpg 20240811_173609.jpg 20240811_173634.jpg 20240811_175118.jpg 20240811_175211.jpg 20240811_173810.jpg 20240811_173831.jpg 20240811_173843.jpg 20240811_173856.jpg
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  3. No_Ragrets

    No_Ragrets Self-proclaimed Amateur Numismatist

    I'll post more pictures of it closer up sometime this week. I'm about to start on dinner here, the wife and kid just got back from a concert weekend away, but the concert got postponed. They still got to go to Hershey Park, so not a total loss!
  4. No_Ragrets

    No_Ragrets Self-proclaimed Amateur Numismatist

    Updated pictures of reverse. Does not show at all on obverse. 20240811_201942.jpg 20240811_202034.jpg 20240811_202012.jpg 20240811_202109.jpg 20240811_202056.jpg 20240811_202157.jpg 20240811_202140.jpg 20240811_202246.jpg 20240811_202240.jpg
    green18 likes this.
  5. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    Such fond memories of that place when the kids were small. :)
    No_Ragrets and SensibleSal66 like this.
  6. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    I found a post by me here on the same subject.... Longacre doubling explained -Newbies to Errors | Coin Talk
    No_Ragrets likes this.
  7. No_Ragrets

    No_Ragrets Self-proclaimed Amateur Numismatist

    So very likely to be Longacre, which I find really interesting. No additional value is fine by me, I'm just happy that I decided to break it out from the slab for my type album, and also discovering this stuff about Longacre fellow. Thanks for the help!
    SensibleSal66 likes this.
  8. No_Ragrets

    No_Ragrets Self-proclaimed Amateur Numismatist

    It's a shame that someone cleaned that coin. Weak strike but still tons of detail where it matters, and nary a scratch to be seen on it.
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