Is It Time For Silver?

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by yakpoo, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. yakpoo

    yakpoo Member

    The biggest "fake news" we hear about the Fair Tax is the percentage. The Fair Tax is "revenue neutral" at 23%. However, you will hear some folks say it's really 30%.

    That's a stupid argument that just plays with numbers. If you take 23% from $1 it's 77¢. If you plus up a dollar by 23%, it's $1.30. It's still 23% however you look at it.
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  3. FryDaddyJr

    FryDaddyJr Junior Member

    sometimes, and sometimes with life savings. Either way I'd rather be the guy selling the shovels and beans
    yakpoo likes this.
  4. slackaction1

    slackaction1 Supporter! Supporter

    Well Then: I will be the guy across the dirt street running the Saloon and things involved. and my neighbor to the north Mr. Woo.
    yakpoo likes this.
  5. jb10000lakes

    jb10000lakes Well-Known Member

    Those pigs look kinda hungry.....
    slackaction1 and yakpoo like this.
  6. Cheech9712

    Cheech9712 Every thing is a guess

    Think your doing ok. One of your hunches worked. Everyone needs 2012 silver sets
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