Here's a cheat code to get Silver Eagles near spot!

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by The Half Dime, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. bikergeek

    bikergeek Well-Known Member

    I vaguely remember: to cancel my Littleton subscription / emails / letters, I had to carry the One Ring to Mordor and throw it in the fires. I encountered orcs, a giant spider, even a balrog along the way. Luckily, I had my friend Samwise there to help me, and a company of dwarves, elves, and men. I'll never sign up for a Littleton deal again...
    lordmarcovan, green18 and -jeffB like this.
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  3. Dynoking

    Dynoking Well-Known Member

    Live and learn...
  4. The Half Dime

    The Half Dime Arrows!

    That'd be like one of my LCS's, except their benefit is that while they buy silver quite low, they sell junk silver at near or less than melt. I see some shady things about Littleton, though. They'd be the one to tell you that your 1856 Flying Eagle penny, graded PCGS say.... AU-58, is counterfeit, buy it for $2 or $3, and sell it for $20,000.
    I'm glad I didn't order put of the ad, but like I said before, if they send me that service, they're gonna pay the return postage. I'm not sacrificing 68 cents to deal with an invasion.

    That may sound over the limit, but it is technically an invasion if they send you extremely overpriced "rare" stuff with mintages in the billions and make you pay to return the coins to them.
    You'll want to be on your tiptoes, though. They may recover your account one day, and your credit card would then be overcharged for coins you don't want. You'd be bankrupt in a couple of months.

    The only reason I ordered from them was because I could get an ASE for just over spot (about $28 after shipping) and that's all. I added a bunch of "uncirculated" 2023 Lincoln cents to get the total up to just above $60, and I stopped there.

    I mean, who would pay $85 for a Morgan dollar that you can get for $22 at times?
  5. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    We have a credit card that lets you generate "virtual numbers" with a set spending limit and/or time limit. I've used those to good effect for "free trial" offers that require a card number. "We're unable to bill the card you gave us. Please update your information." ...nah.
  6. green18

    green18 Unknown member Sweet on Commemorative Coins Supporter

    That is so many times I get roped into something because of forgetful Jones syndrome.....
  7. The Half Dime

    The Half Dime Arrows!

    Good thinking, man! Next time I get a free trial offer, I could try that. :)
  8. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    Worth noting, though, that Littleton's come-ons aren't exactly "free trial" offers. You're actually agreeing to pay for or send back additional coins. If you get coins, don't send them back, and have bad charge information on file, they're within their rights to come after you for the money.
  9. The Half Dime

    The Half Dime Arrows!

    That's just a disgrace to coin collecting. Exactly where do they say that you agree to ten thousand of their services?

    I haven't seen a single one of their things noting it except in paper ads.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2024
  10. Lon Chaney

    Lon Chaney Well-Known Member

    You're probably ok then. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  11. Mr. Numismatist

    Mr. Numismatist Strawberry Token Enthusiast

    After looking at Littleton's website for the first time, I walked (or ran) away thinking, "and I thought the US Mint's prices were outrageous"!
  12. potty dollar 1878

    potty dollar 1878 Well-Known Member

    Why does your post literally sound like a 11 PM Rick Tomaska special,the thread title is also pretty cheassy.But if you actually saved some money good I guess.
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