Gold Pumpin' Up!

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by fretboard, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    I attempted to purchase 20 tons of gold to help push the price up,
    but my credit card stated I lacked the credit of anything above .00001 tons, or about 1/3rd of an oz.

    maybe next time ...
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  3. pmbug

    pmbug Taking steps on my thousand mile journey

    Clawcoins likes this.
  4. GoldFinger1969

    GoldFinger1969 Well-Known Member

    $2,385 high today on COMEX...holding in $2,360's up another dozen bucks or so.
    longshot likes this.
  5. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    the 1/10th AGE I bought 2 months ago, even with it's premium is now break even to spot.

    19.999997 tons more to go. :)

    when is the cork gonna' pop ?
    pmbug likes this.
  6. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    My guess is when the bottle shatters from the small chip it has, grows and cracks, and leaves shards all over the floor.
    -jeffB likes this.
  7. GoldFinger1969

    GoldFinger1969 Well-Known Member

    BARRON's had Louise Yamada, technical analyst with a focus on gold and PMs since the 1980's, and she is looking for $2,500-$2,600.

    Gold has clearly broken out of a 3-year base...also of interest it's being used to hedge volatility since there are some anomalies with the VIX and S&P 500 traditional volatility hedges possibly related to depressed volatity from big ETF option sellers.
  8. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    GoldFinger1969 likes this.
  9. imrich

    imrich Supporter! Supporter

  10. GoldFinger1969

    GoldFinger1969 Well-Known Member

    George Costanza: "I went over to Jerry's....Kramer and I had coffee at Monk's....I posted some stuff on CoinTalk....yada yada is now at $3,000." :D
    Heavymetal and charley like this.
  11. charley

    charley Well-Known Member

    We're gonna make millions off this gold thing, Jerry...millions, I tell ya...

    (if the dingo doesn't eat that baby, first...)
    GoldFinger1969 likes this.
  12. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    I knew gold had a future once it broke above the $400/oz mark.
    fiddlehead and GoldFinger1969 like this.
  13. GoldFinger1969

    GoldFinger1969 Well-Known Member

    Market getting slammed, risk-off assets doing well.... and yet gold STILL recovering early losses and turning positive with higher yields and no rate cuts more likely.:p
  14. pmbug

    pmbug Taking steps on my thousand mile journey

    There are indications that Wall Street is waking up on gold.

  15. GoldFinger1969

    GoldFinger1969 Well-Known Member

    It's no longer DEAD, but it's not like 1979-80 or even 2011-12. You'd need a move to $5,000 if not at least $3,000 to even be in the ballpark from an enthusiasm perspective.

    When CNBC shows are leading off talking about gold -- not a mid-show segment -- you'll be closer to a top. When you see people talking about how to buy bullion and mentioning Saints and Liberty's, that'll be a signal.

    We have a long way to go. The fundamentals for gold are very bullish longer-term.
  16. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Gold at $2423 right now and what's amazing is how fast the ticker keeps changing, there's a whole lot of excitement goin' on right now and $2500 ain't too far away! :D
    -jeffB and slackaction1 like this.
  17. pmbug

    pmbug Taking steps on my thousand mile journey

    Nice going fretboard. I think you jinxed it. :wacky:
    -jeffB likes this.
  18. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    oh no.
    I hope it doesn't go below the $500 target floor !!
  19. GoldFinger1969

    GoldFinger1969 Well-Known Member

    That was a classic Friday afternoon liquidation before the weekend with geopolitical fears leading to a sell-off in all risk-assets.

    Of more importance was Goldman Sachs upping their year-end target by $400 to $2,700.

    My $3,000 by 2030 prediction would then be extremely conservative. Might have to bump it up.

    Still staying with $5,000 by 2035 PT. :D
  20. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Oh yeah, I have all the power! 112.gif Gold has been breaking all time highs like crazy and it's not gonna stop, not anytime soon anyways! With everything that's going on in the world right now it's no shock that the supply and demand for gold is in a whirlwind of frenzy! :D Time will tell but I'm thinking the price of gold has more upward swing than anyone could ever imagine! tmoney - Copy.gif
    pmbug likes this.
  21. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    I'm saving up my pennies for another Gold purchase.

    Don't laugh, they're copper pennies and according to Etsy .. I'm rich.
    probably another 1/4 oz .. can't afford that 1oz'ers any more.
    imrich likes this.
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