gold down?

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by pale ridder, Mar 7, 2010.

  1. pale ridder

    pale ridder Junior Member

    As many here know there is trouble afoot in europe with the greeks,ppl are dumping the euro in favor of a stronger dollar LOL. So gold will fall with dollar getting stronger (how much??) i will not predict except to say it will be under $1000 by yrs end? Hold on for the wild ride that is PM!
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  3. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Just an FYI here, gold is doing fine and personally I don't expect anything to change with ppl choosing the dollar over the Euro. Gold is supposed to go up, maybe even in a big way, who knows.
  4. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    Its anybody,s guess really!!
  5. pale ridder

    pale ridder Junior Member

    Gold will go up yes! It is also tied to the $ after the crash of the late 70s-early 80s gold went from $850 down to $252 why?? the dollar got stronger! The euro has been kicking are a$s for some time and after are goverment is done fooling ppl that the hard times are over and our dollar settles down again gold will go all past where it is now! This may take afew yrs but will happen. I was just stating i think it could be a good time to buy on a dip (6-18) monthes (just a poor opinon) thats all.
  6. SilverSurfer

    SilverSurfer Whack Job

    When gold hit its high of $1225, the dollar index was around 75. Now the dollar index is around 80.5 and gold is $1132.


    1.0733 X $1132=$1215

    Gold is still going strong.
  7. pale ridder

    pale ridder Junior Member

    Well all this proves i am human! wrong most of the time! and that you ppl have been talking to my exwifes?? LOL
  8. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    You just have to go along for the ride! :)
  9. SwK

    SwK Junior Member

    i am a gold freak - we have had near two genrations were goverments have convinced the investing public to trust "paper". It will not be the first time in Europe or in the World that the paper could be used for the walls.

    price for a gold should be $2700+ anyhow, infact check around and look at all commodities, silver, wool, synthetics, cotton, copper ++++ then decide what would u prefer to own?

    translate it into numbers how about 30% gold, 20% cash liquidity $US and Swiss francs, your collectables and a a few % for stocks and insurance companies.

  10. SilverSurfer

    SilverSurfer Whack Job

  11. sunflower

    sunflower New Member

    Gold freaks most welcomed here.:smile
  12. fatima

    fatima Junior Member

    The dollar, euro and other major fiat currencies are in a race to see which one can get the closest to 0 worth the fastest. 6 months ago the Euro was the darling that was going to replace the $ as the preferred world currency. Now it's in the toilet and the $ looks better. 6 months from now it will be something else. The Yen and the Pound are no better.

    The only constant in this is gold. It's value never changes. What changes is the ability of one of these currencies to purchase it. So regardless if you have dollars, pounds, yen, euros, or martian bucks, buy gold on the dips and hold during the highs. This will preserve your wealth while the respective central banks steals it from everyone left holding paper.
  13. Cloudsweeper99

    Cloudsweeper99 Treasure Hunter

    Gold is hardly a constant. It is subject to supply and demand, just like everything else. If gold was the national currency, you might be able to make the case over the short run, but no longer. Even when gold circulated as money, its purchasing power fluctuated with the discovery of gold in the Americas, and again when gold was discovered out West. I know it would be comforting in a way if we had a constant to lean on, such as gold. But we live on a planet where there is no such thing.
  14. Victor

    Victor Coin Collector

    Nice analysis.
  15. Zuhara

    Zuhara Junior Member

    If you listen to someone like Max Kaiser or Jim Sinclair, they would agree with you that this is a good time to buy. They argue that many of the major currencies are going to come under fire, one after another. First was the euro, now they're starting on the pound, next will be the dollar. If the dollar comes under pressure, gold will certainly become more expensive.

    Personally, I haven't got a clue. But like others here, although I'm prepared for gold and silver to go down, I'm not counting on it.
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