the 75 Krugerrand is a very common date at 4,803,925 in third place to the 78,79, but I love Krugerrands have many common dates and the hard to get. what ever the year, Good Choice
This is my rarest Krugerrand’s this 1991 only has a population of 42.334 got real lucky and picked it up at my LCS this is also my youngest sons birth year.
Great question, this all depends on who is selling, my LCS does not charge a premium for any years, kind of surprising if you ask me, but that fact is they have allot of the 75, 78, 79 coins which are very common and get at current bullion prices but was really lucky to get the 91 at just spot, the 1989 cost me $400 over spot so not the best deal, and that population is in the 300,000 range ! but where are they ? that is actually fairly low for Krugerrands actually, but moving thru 91-2006 the populations are stupidly low many years are under 20,000 , things improve a bit 2007 -2013 but they stopped keeping records after that not sure why ?
1st full year of availability in the U.S. once Pres. Ford OK'd gold ownership by individuals by rescinding the notorious FDR EO.
The Krugerrand got blacklisted during apartheid; after that, new coins gained in popularity: American Eagle, Chinese Panda, Maple Leaf, Buffalo, Philharmonic, etc. Premium for Krugerrand is smallest among bullion coins listed in BARRON'S for decades. Krugerrand @ 4.5% premium.....Maple Leaf, Mexican Peso, and U.S. Eagles @ 7.0% premiums.....Austria Crown and Philharmonic @ 3% and 5%, respectively. Peso must be older coin over 1 ounce....not sure why they don't switch to Libertad.
At my LCS no, they charge me the same what ever year, but they have allot of commons to which you wouldn’t pay a a premium on anyway but bullion provider like APMEX you do pay more for the lower mintages.
You will pay the premium on the front end or the back, regardless of what coin you choose, my Krugerrand’s are my life event coins and now, trying to collect every year ! it’s not so much the cost but the availability of certain years 1991- 2007 especially allot of those are under 25,000 with world wide distribution that’s not to many. I already have allot of AGE 1,2 raw and graded also buffalos and libertads, now there’s a coin with a huge premium ! if you took that in to a coin store I doubt if you would even come close to getting That premium back around $2,300 out the door at APMEX as of this writing. Also not a big fan of the maple leaf a beautiful coin but they are heavily discounted for scratches or dings.
Can’t resist the fractional gold at my lcs. The 1/10th ounce krugerrand for $20 over melt and the dos peso for $1 over melt.