Gold Broke $1,100!

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by Treashunt, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. Treashunt

    Treashunt The Other Frank

    Current Prices:
    @ 1:36 PM today:
    1095.40 bid
    1096.40 Ask
    1085.60 low for the day
    1102.30 HIGH for the day!
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  3. covert coins

    covert coins Coin Hoarder

    Wow!!!! I heard that India was buying gold off the world market and everyone knows that every US citizen and their brother is buying gold on fears of the inflation/ recession.Lets sit back and see what it does...
  4. Khef

    Khef Newbie to casual

    Not to throw the thread off topic but isn't this a sprint with no long term legs?

    Wouldn't someone wanting to invest in PMs be better to buy platinum or palladium at this point?
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