Ferdinand I

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by Collecting Nut, Dec 1, 2024.

  1. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    A very light weight coin.
    Hungary, Ferdinand I as king
    AR dense, 16 mm, .44 gm, 2h
    1542 K-B (Kremnitz Mint)
    Obv.: FERDINAND *D*G*R*
    VNG 154Z*. Arms.
    Virgin Mary, crowned, enthroned facing, holding infant Jesus; across field, K-B
    AD741C3C-A99B-42B2-B3EB-205CED06635B.jpeg 2FDEBDE4-F39A-4A75-A950-0C64BC2B2214.jpeg
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  3. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Nice! I have always liked these affordable little hammered silver early-dated coins, and wrote a thread about them some time back.
    panzerman likes this.
  4. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Raft to see why they are appealing. :)
    panzerman and lordmarcovan like this.
  5. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Meow was expecting to see a Tiger P with a citadel on it.
    panzerman likes this.
  6. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Either Meow is speaking some feline dialect which is totally unfamiliar to me, or I’m just clueless on the reference.

    Probably the latter.
    panzerman likes this.
  7. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    OK... Well remember about the Zimmerit reference? A Tiger P is a prototype Panzer VI Tiger tank. They decided to go with The Tiger H (Henchel) and not the (P) Porche. So, the 100 hulls the made in the (P) was not wasted by mounting a citadel with a 88mm L71 turning into a Jagpanzer (hunting tank). They called the new vehicle a Ferdinand (After Ferdinand Porche)
    panzerman and lordmarcovan like this.
  8. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    I do remember that discussion, dimly. And I'm a WW2 history buff. Just wasn't hip to the subvarieties of Tiger tanks. And you lost me (and likely most of us) with the Ferdinand connection. But it makes some sense now.

    Sorta. ;)

    Edited to add: shouldn't kitties like yourself be more into studying species of tasty fish, or perhaps the best hunting techniques for small mammals, rather than WW2 German armor? Just wondering. Then again, I suppose you could just be a rather well-rounded feline. Or the reincarnation of Heinz Guderian or something, maybe.
  9. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Meow has appreciation for Cats, even metal ones.
  10. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Then Generaloberst Meow it is.
    lordmarcovan likes this.
  11. Collecting Nut

    Collecting Nut Borderline Hoarder

    Meow was mistaken. :)
  12. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Ferdinand I (1526 - 1564 A.D.)
    Hungary Denar
    O: *FERDINAND·D·G·R·VNG·1536
    Ref: Unger III:745.a/1536, Huszár: 935/1536, CNH III:40/1536,
    Johndakerftw, Bing and lordmarcovan like this.
  13. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    My Uncle (bandaged head) was a Königstiger ace 66 kills vs Soviets/ won Ritterkreuz at Narva sector c51491c4490d9ef55cb87aa95719710e.jpg 5122eceff7f2e2b5de9efddc77183a9c.jpg 2defdb57806556197d348b58becb86db.jpg . Porsche designed the KonigsTiger and JagdTiger too. Plus Panther. The Ferdinand was poor in Kursk Salient. The others best tanks of WW2
  14. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    Here are my Ferdinands....
    Holy Roman Empire /Hungary/ Ferdinand II AV Dukat 1633 K-B Kremnitz Mint
    Holy Roman Empire /Hungary/ Ferdinand I AV Dukat 1531 K-B Kremnitz Mint
    Austro-Hungarian Empire/ Ferdinand V AV 4 Dukaten 1848-A Wien Mint
    Duci Mantova e della Monferrato Ferdinando Gonzaga ND 1612-26 AV Quadrupla =4 Scudi d'oro 9abd7c4941789df2c02b4a9a4f13febb.jpg 17cd65c29f4ec80e05ffbbef3eed6282 (1).jpg f5d2ab03ca76e995b53be1c4294754c4.jpg
    Bing likes this.
  15. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Well, that is why the Tiger P was rejected. The dual electric drive was too unreliable. Adding a 88m L71 did not make it any better. Is that photo from the award ceremony? Does the OberSturmbannfuhrer have it in hands there?
    panzerman likes this.
  16. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    Yes /Friedrich Herzig himself was awarded Knights Cross in April 29 1945. One of the highest scorers Kurt Knispel 188 Soviet tanks + 190 Guns destroyed, NEVER was awarded Knights Cross since he looked unruly and never saluted higher ups! AS you can see in foto he looked like a rockstar then a panzer ace. 318851790_1293496478111709_8181195486464948755_n.jpg
  17. MeowtheKitty

    MeowtheKitty Well-Known Member

    Knispel had the heart of a Cat. Unherdable. As Cats do as Cats do.
    panzerman likes this.
  18. panzerman

    panzerman Well-Known Member

    First time I heard that! But you are correct most cats do not travel in packs/ Lions kinda in their pride/ but that a family unit. Come to think of it the armored Big Cats also were lone hunters decimated hordes of T-34s:inpain: even Josef Stalin 1/2s:D
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