Displaying 1oz rounds in air-tites

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by Jaelus, Aug 30, 2017.

  1. Jaelus

    Jaelus The Hungarian Antiquarian Supporter

    I've ended up with a good number of 1oz silver rounds from various collectible series and I keep them in air-tites. I've grown tired of keeping them in a stack and am looking for a way to display them in the air-tites.

    Does anyone know of an album or case that is suitable for displaying these? A plus if they can also handle the double thickness 2oz rounds.
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  3. D-Train

    D-Train proof coin enthusiast

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  4. Jaelus

    Jaelus The Hungarian Antiquarian Supporter

    Thanks for the link. I've considered going that route, but I'd really rather be able to display them easier.
  5. sakata

    sakata Devil's Advocate

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  6. ken454

    ken454 Well-Known Member

    if you dont go the route of the box then you may have to lose the air-tites, dansco makes an album for 1 oz rounds, its how i store mine and works great when showing them off to family or friends....

    Picture 244.jpg
    Jaelus and Bman33 like this.
  7. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    I to have several 1 OZ silver rounds and yes they are in air tites, but i would be
    Concerned about storing / displaying outside like in an album as the
    Probability of ugly toning and tarnishing would be increased, my suggestion is
    Make something out of an album and trim to fit the air tites, that way it is less
    Of a worry.
    Jaelus likes this.
  8. OxJaw

    OxJaw Senior Member

  9. silverman987

    silverman987 Member

    There's someone over at another coin forum that makes acrylic displays that fits silver bullion from different countries with various sizes. He's selling them for 20 dollars each, custom made and 5 dollars for shipping. Here's a link to the ones he's posted online https://imgur.com/a/F4L4H. I just ordered one for 2017, I'll try to post pictures when the frame arrives.
    Jaelus likes this.
  10. Bman33

    Bman33 Well-Known Member

    They have tubes for air-tites. You can put 20 in them. Not meeting your display needs but perhaps your storage needs.
    calishield and Jaelus like this.
  11. mpcusa

    mpcusa "Official C.T. TROLL SWEEPER"

    These are what i use for all my coins except for my ASE,S which are basically
    Stacked in non air tites as they are just bullion and not much else

  12. Jason.A

    Jason.A Active Member

    Unfortunately I have not heard of something that would work for this. My only suggestion would be to use a binder with sleeves for coins or baseball cards, and then to simply drop the air tites into each of those sleeves. https://www.amazon.com/BCW-20-Pocke...rd_wg=Vgi9j&psc=1&refRID=NYJ6S18CS7Y239B5M6MR

    However, I do have a suggestion for other forum members: please read the damn post before replying.

    He wants to display them. That does not mean a tube. That does not mean a box.

    He wants to keep them in air tites. He does not want to put them in an album without air tites.

  13. eddiespin

    eddiespin Fast Eddie

    There's as good as it gets. Kudos on that. I dig it.
  14. old49er

    old49er Well-Known Member

  15. Jaelus

    Jaelus The Hungarian Antiquarian Supporter

    I'd like to see how that turns out. So far, this seems the closest to what I'm looking to do. Do you have a link for how to order from him?
  16. sakata

    sakata Devil's Advocate

    I had no idea that so many different countries produced bullion coins. That could get expensive to collect.
  17. silverman987

    silverman987 Member

    Yes it can, that's why I'm only trying to collect silver bullion coins from 2017. The Archangel from Ukraine for example costs about 35 dollars each. The Panda from China also has a higher premium than spot, etc...
  18. silverman987

    silverman987 Member

    Jaelus likes this.
  19. Mr Roots

    Mr Roots Underneath The Bridge

    Have you ever talked to a doctor about having the stick removed?
    Stevearino likes this.
  20. ldhair

    ldhair Clean Supporter

    Johndoe2000$ and Jaelus like this.
  21. Stevearino

    Stevearino Well-Known Member

    Please try to lighten up, @Jason.A. I have found that some of the tangents popping up in threads are more interesting and helpful than something strictly germane to the OP's subject.
    Johndoe2000$ likes this.
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