Feeling pretty good about all the silver I've stacked with the cost average of $23.10. now the question becomes when to pull the trigger and sell.
When stocks are getting hammered, PMs are supposed to go up. That silver chart looks like the inverse of the Dow.
I suppose that depends on how many hands are in the mix. I wonder what my cost average price per is...
If leadership and policies do not change next cycle, PMs are going to skyrocket. What's going on now is fiscally unsustainable. It might not even be correctible by anyone or any measures we're so far in debt now. We have a spending problem, not a revenue problem.
Are you guys who are unloading some getting cash or checks? Are they issuing 1099s if by check? I'm curious, even though my junk silver hoard has a stepped up tax basis.
I don’t sell often, but when I do, depreciation on my rental property usually offsets it. If that doesn’t cover it, a sale of some underperforming stock near year end. Allows for some riskier, higher flying investments A high quality problem indeed. My tax guy often has more complex solutions, but I’m old school. Much of my income is untaxed at federal level (SS) Some is untaxed at state level ie: My wife’s teacher pension. And having no house payment, no car payment, homeowners insurance $476, low health insurance costs for a Cadillac plan makes paying taxes painless. Riding on the plan my wife has as a retired teacher, we get back the monthly Medicare payments. This year $3900 returned. A special little contractual piece of her 1983 hire. If there’s anything left when I leave this party, our church treasurer will have to figure it out. No children
With the economy booming to the point of the Federal Reserve having to slow it down with higher for longer, tax revenues are increasing. More and more people working, even undocumented workers add to the GDP and most pay taxes.
That a fact. Smelters have been paying dealers behind spot for at least 5 months. My LCS here in Florida keeps me up on that. He’s a volume supplier to other dealers across the peninsula Back home in Syracuse I don’t have that close connection. But then I compete against some of them for estates and collections.
My man! When I said I have a stepped up tax basis, the junk is inherited and falls under estate tax protections. I was just curious how you guys did it. Now my personally acquired collection is another story, and why I was asking. Who has time to keep up and document all of that anyway?