Last couple times at my LCS 90% was 17.5x FV. When I was there yesterday spot was right at $23 so at 17.5x that’s about $1.50 over spot per oz.
Stopping by this thread as I sometimes do. Cobre mine in Panama forced to close. Copper, silver, gold. Nobody seems to like mining companies anymore See my posts #109 & #115 this thread. That’s all for now
Seems mining anything is less and less popular Can you say force majeure
90% still at 17.5x face today. Eagles were $4.50 over spot. 2024 eagles $4.75 over spot. Grabbed this 1909 Barber for junk price. Other than the minor rim bump at about 11 o’clock, it’s a good looking borderline VG!
If the Federal Reserve backs off even a little, silver will go straight up. It’s spring loaded like I’ve never seen. Demand was a record in 2023. Expected to exceed that in 2024 & beyond. Never thought I’d be a stacker again at my age but ya go with a tailwind. Don’t see much downside to PMs in my lifetime Later gators
Mining companies have taken a torch to shareholder's capital. They've been black holes, destroying shareholder value. Jefferies initiated coverage on the sector today, only the depressed share prices saved the coverage ratings from being worse.
Fundamentals for gold, including possible peak gold production, mean that the supply-demand fundamentals are positive years out. If CBs don't sell, no supply.
It's making up some ground today -- up 2 1/4% to gold's 1%. Our old "friend" "g*ldcollector" must be gnashing his teeth right now at being unable to post. And at sacrificing his reputation just to cheat another member out of a lousy $100 worth of mere silver.
Over the last week and a half I was at my LCS twice. Two Saturdays ago, 3/2, 90% was 17x FV other than halves which were 17.5x FV. I’m not sure I ever noticed the premiums on halves before or if they just started doing that. Went in again on 3/8 and 90% was up to 18x for dimes and quarters, halves were at 18.5x. Back date silver eagles were still at $4 over spot and 2024s were $4.25 over. I picked up a nice variety of stuff last Friday. I’ll try to post a photo later this evening.
On Monday I bought five modem commemorative silver dollars for $23 each. Nicely moderate premium over melt.
Now I’m just talking to myself, as usual. Over the last couple months I’ve been telling y’all that PMs were spring loaded. For those who don’t have me on ignore, enjoy the view from up here. On about 5 different threads, only about 2 ‘likes’. For those holding physical, enjoy x10. Silver $29.25. Gold $2410. Later gators