CoinTalk Friends (CTF) Giveaway #2

Discussion in 'Contests' started by lordmarcovan, Jan 21, 2025.

  1. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    CTF Giveaway #2

    Contest status: OPEN


    Please take a moment to read the introduction below.

    There's a series of handy links at the bottom of this introductory post that you can use to see where we are in the contest, and hop to the latest ongoing round. You may join in at any time.

    Hello, everyone, and welcome to our first CoinTalk Friends (CTF) Giveaway!

    There will be four random drawings in this contest. Each week or so, there will be a different prize given away, and these prizes were donated by the generous people mentioned below.

    The drawings are subject to my schedule, so if I should ever happen to be absent, you may consider the current (open) round to be open for entries until I return and announce the drawing.

    To enter: go to the round summary below to view the most recent activity and see where we are in the contest.

    Want the lot that's up for grabs in the current (open) round?

    1) Just say you want that prize.

    2) Post something else coin-related or cheerful.
    If you win, we ask that you please post to this thread later, to thank your donor, and also so that we'll all know you got your prize.

    Alternately, you may enter on someone else's behalf if you prefer. Simply name the person you'd like to receive it.

    Totally free: the contest is free of charge, open to everyone. Most rounds should be available to international contestants, but check to be sure.

    Good luck!

    Numismatic regards,

    @Chris B (Round 1 donor)
    @masterswimmer (Round 2 donor)
    @Randy Abercrombie (Round 3 donor)
    @Elizabeth Shamblin (Round 4 donor)
    @lordmarcovan (Coordinator)


    Round 1: OPEN
    Donor: @Chris B
    Availability: international
    Prize announcement: 1 February 2025
    Drawing: pending; on or after 8 February 2025
    Winner: pending
    Shipped: pending
    Winner's receipt: pending

    Donor: @masterswimmer
    Availability: international
    Prize announcement: pending
    Drawing: pending
    Winner: pending
    Shipped: pending
    Winner's receipt: pending

    Donor: @Randy Abercrombie
    Availability: international
    Prize announcement: pending
    Drawing: pending
    Winner: pending
    Shipped: pending
    Winner's receipt: pending

    Donor: @Elizabeth Shamblin
    Availability: international
    Prize announcement: pending
    Drawing: pending
    Winner: pending
    Shipped: pending
    Winner's receipt: pending

    Master Summary (all CTF contests)
    Want to be a donor for a future contest?

    Our spokescritter for this contest is Pinot, @masterswimmer 's dog.


    Last edited: Feb 4, 2025 at 1:15 AM
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  3. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Let's get this thing started, shall we? :)
  4. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    It is time for Round 1! :)


    CTF Giveaway 2, Round 1

    Donor: @Chris B
    Availability: international

    To enter:

    1) Just say you want this prize.

    2) Post something else coin-related or cheerful.

    If you win, we ask that you please post to this thread later, after receiving the prize, to thank your donor, and also so that we'll all know you got it.

    Alternately, you may enter on someone else's behalf if you prefer. Simply name the person you'd like to receive it.

    The random drawing:

    Should take place on or shortly after Saturday, February 8, 2025. If I should happen to be absent, you may assume the contest to be open for entries up until the time I return and announce the drawing.

    The prize:

    A 1797 Netherlands East Indies (Java) copper stuiver; also known as a "bonk".


    Numista-278423. KM-180.

    @Chris B , our donor, said:
    Round Summary (this contest)
    Master Summary (all CTF contests)
    Want to be a donor for a future contest?

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2025 at 1:39 PM
  5. Nyatii

    Nyatii I like running w/scissors. Makes me feel dangerous

    I'll get the ball rolling.
    I would like that. It's an interesting piece, and who can resist something called a "Bonk".
    Thank you @Chris B and Lord M,

    Cat Scratch Pole.JPG
  6. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Oooh! I want this " Bonk" thingy. Thank You @Chris B !
  7. Jersey magic man

    Jersey magic man Supporter! Supporter

    I am just bonkers about this Bonk. I also want it.
  8. Abramthegreat

    Abramthegreat Well-Known Member

    I'm in for this one, as I didn't enter for the last set of rounds. As a teenage investor, I'm fascinated by the impact this company had in our stock markets today. It's a lovely bonk of history and I'd love the opportunity to add it to my collection. Thanks for the generosity @Chris B,

  9. Chris B

    Chris B Supporter! Supporter

    Whoever wins, I hope you enjoy it. I am in the process of downsizing (may be getting encouraged by my wife) and there are a lot items in my collection that I still enjoy (like this one) but just didn't make the cut, so to speak. These are fun coins.
  10. lordmarcovan

    lordmarcovan 48-year collector Moderator

    Here’s an entry from your friendly game show host, on behalf of @Abramthegreat.
  11. Abramthegreat

    Abramthegreat Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the extra chance @lordmarcovan, very kind of you.
  12. alhenry92

    alhenry92 32 Year Old Liberty Nickel Enthusiast

    I will bonk everyone here just to say i have a bonk. By the way is United East India Company at all related to Dutch East India Company?
  13. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    The United East India Company, commonly known as the Dutch East India Company, was a chartered trading company and one of the first joint-stock companies in the world. Wikipedia.....
  14. alhenry92

    alhenry92 32 Year Old Liberty Nickel Enthusiast

    I have to stop asking questions here out of convenience lol (though I do appreciate it). I'll do the other half of the work now and look up when they became said joint-stock company
  15. alhenry92

    alhenry92 32 Year Old Liberty Nickel Enthusiast

    Turns out I happen to have a coin from 1732 with it's Dutch name Vereenigde Oostindische Compagni (VOC) on the reverse.
    From my understanding they've had multiple names depending on where you were at, but then ultimately became United East India Company
    83.jpg 84.jpg
  16. jerryc39

    jerryc39 Well-Known Member

    Having a bonk would be great!
  17. SensibleSal66

    SensibleSal66 U.S Casual Collector / Error Collector

    Here you go.... BONK!
    lordmarcovan and alhenry92 like this.
  18. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

    I bonk, I mean I want this coin :wacky:

    This is not a coin, but it's Netherlands related!

    From my collection..
    20181117_160428-1.jpg 20181117_160437-1.jpg
  19. Heavymetal

    Heavymetal Well-Known Member

  20. masterswimmer

    masterswimmer A Caretaker, can't take it with me

    I've got children. I've got grandchildren. And yet I've never had a bonk.

    I soooo want to enter for someone else, but gosh darn it, I soooo want to say I've got a bonk. Sure seems like a right of passage. And at my age, if I haven't been presented with a bonk yet, the likelihood of ever being offered a bonk in the future seems unlikely.

    Hot damn, that's a fun word to say. Bonk!
  21. beaver96

    beaver96 Supporter! Supporter

    Me too, Me too. I want a bonk. I would love to tell everyone that I added a bonk to the hoard and then explain what a bonk was. Thank you @Chris B for the fun prize.
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