Coin Roll Hunting Halfes - Gold and silver

Discussion in 'Coin Roll Hunting' started by Silver Searcher, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. Silver Searcher

    Silver Searcher Active Member

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  3. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    Halves or half dollars. Not halfes.
  4. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    Yes, please stop misspelling the word Half and Halves. There is no Halfes and I really wish you wouldn't spam us with so many boring videos...
  5. NOS

    NOS Former Coin Hoarder

    Kindly note your use of the auxiliary verb "is" should be "are" as you referring to multiple countable nouns (halves) and not just one. Additionally, you are using "Half" and "Halves" as common nouns so they should not be capitalized.

    I am pointing out these issues to reveal the hypocrisy in complaining about the spelling of "halfes" and "halves" not only by Seattlite86 but numerous other users on this board. Additionally, users get the correct use of "half" and "halves" mixed up on a near daily basis in the "Roll-searchers, post your results!" thread. However, no one is tar and feathering the posters in that thread when this very common mistake is made there.

    The ad hominem attacks against Silver Searcher are beyond reproach. Silver Searcher is being treated worse than Detecto. That just isn't right. If you don't like his videos or posts that's fine--mute him. Regardless of the accuracy of the information he gives in his videos, know that Silver Searcher has every right to post, discuss (in his videos) and share his silver finds in whatever format he sees fit without being demeaned for it. What I am seeing on this forum are users with a lynch mob mentality whose responses are either borderline or flat out harassment and that will not be tolerated.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
    brandon08967 and Silver Searcher like this.
  6. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    There is no Halfes word. Singular word in the dictionary. It doesn't exist as a word. Also, I capitalized them for emphasis. Thanks for trying though.

    You are right, that he has every right to post crappy videos and even use it as a money making scam as he is. Just please understand that I have every right to suggest he not. Freedom of Speech goes both ways, so please forgive me for not reacting to your flawed Social Justice Warrior approach as you had hoped.

    And a final thought, when we try to sound smarter than we are, we sometimes prove otherwise. Please re-read the definition of "beyond reproach" before trying to use it as a negative function. Here's some help:

    Good day.
  7. NOS

    NOS Former Coin Hoarder

    I could go through and dissect your post but I'm not going to. I did not post to solicit or spark discussion. Just know the harassment towards Silver Searcher will not be tolerated.
  8. rickmp

    rickmp Frequently flatulent.

    And that could have been said in far fewer words.
    brandon08967 and Seattlite86 like this.
  9. BooksB4Coins

    BooksB4Coins Newbieus Sempiterna

    Yeah, because poor lil Detecto didn't bring anything upon himself, right? Have you forgot about the incessant whining, the accusations, pitiful paranoia, the conspiracies, spying on UPS and McDonalds, begging the board to buy him a car, and perhaps best of all, the grandiose claims of "propelling the world 1000 years into the future" and of so easily building a business that would make WalMart, Apple, Microsoft etc look like startups? If only there was an "angel investor" willing to hand out little victim hero a measly 100k... of course the fact someone with such otherworldly abilities should have no trouble raising such a pittance conveniently escaped him, but why muck up a good pity-me whine? You wanted to drag Timmy into this, portraying him and the poor abused soul he wasn't, so it's only fair we talk about what he really was.

    Now, as for silversearcher, you want to talk about "rights". How about the "rights" of others not to be mislead by some kid who clearly cares nothing about his supposed "hobby" other than what it can do for him? Where are their rights, sir? You say he has the right to discuss, so perhaps you could show me where's he's actually tried to discuss anything but his videos, or even in the slightest way attempted to contribute to this forum other than in his usual self-serving advertisements? At ANY time he could make the most minimal effort to either participate or simply improve his videos, but no. It's his choice, and if he did so all the negativity would stop, but as with Timmy, it's just not his fault! It's the big meanies with nothing better to do than, without the slightest cause, be mean to the poor little boy (roll eyes here).

    This person, at least according to his profile page, is a "38 year old man" so it's high time he started acting like one, and if he can't take it like a man, he needs to stop pretending to be one.

    The only thing that shouldn't be tolerated is such one sided blindness.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2016
    Seattlite86 and rickmp like this.
  10. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    My favorite part of your post was when you said he has every right to post whatever he wants "Regardless of the accuracy of the information he gives". Truth has no meaning to you so long as you protect your one-sided belief. Tolerance is an absolute expectation unless it is tolerance toward differing opinions that include the desire for truth and accuracy.

    Two people correcting his continued grammar/spelling mistakes and one of those same two people telling him he is spamming people with boring videos is hardly harassment. If my suggestion that he choose better posts offends you, perhaps you should ignore me instead of jumping into the water before realizing you were in over your head. I also suggest you find a more important battle to fight because nobody's comments got nasty until you showed up.
    rickmp likes this.
  11. NLL

    NLL Well-Known Member

    Well maybe halfes is a new word from his dictionary! I bet halv dollars is in there too.
  12. Seattlite86

    Seattlite86 Outspoken Member

    Uhhh.... no.
  13. Silver Searcher

    Silver Searcher Active Member

    Thanks for the support on this. I don't think people will change their opinions on me in a day, so Im just going to keep improving my videos, and gradually people will begin to appreciate them more.
  14. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    I think if the OP would be open and truthful about his identity that would go a long way, or at least turn him in the right direction. Of course being online you don't want to provide that in totality, just enough to make one more believable about their identity/ experience /knowledge.
  15. bdunnse

    bdunnse Who dat?

    click bait
    Seattlite86 likes this.
  16. Silver Searcher

    Silver Searcher Active Member

    haha probably man
  17. Silver Searcher

    Silver Searcher Active Member

    I am not understanding this, can you clarify
  18. Mad Stax

    Mad Stax Well-Known Member

    He's referring to your profile saying you're 38 I believe
    NOS and Silver Searcher like this.
  19. Silver Searcher

    Silver Searcher Active Member

    oh ok
  20. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    See above too
  21. BooksB4Coins

    BooksB4Coins Newbieus Sempiterna

    NOS likes this.
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