Cheap Silver at the coin shop.... YUM!

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by The Half Dime, May 3, 2024.

  1. The Half Dime

    The Half Dime Arrows!

    This is one time I would buy silver in bulk at over $25/ounce. It went into my favorite too..... J U N K!

    Among the goodies from one of my LCS's was a roll of silver dimes for $93 (got a lot of early Mercs in there as well), a Columbian half from 1893 for $10 (circulated junk silver), a 1935 quarter for $4.65, and a 1988 Olympic silver dollar (with the Mint's 50-step OGP) for $22.30. I also paid $7.22 for a 2018-S penny, graded NGC RP 70 red.

    This is my advice. If you can get your hands on junk silver, buy that before bars because not only can you get some good deals, but you can find a buyer for it really quick. If you're in your local coin shop, take that extra time to search through the commemorative silver dollars to see if one is priced cheaper than the others. Snatch that roll of silver dimes for under $100, buying it before it goes up. There are many people saying that silver is gonna go WAY up, so be prepared, people.

    This verdict has been brought to you by Judge Half Dime, a silver buyer who is not qualified to judge a case in the matter of a dollar. You're welcome. ;)
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  3. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    Plus one (that the correct web lingo, right?)….. I been stashing junk silver for many years.. I have had my dealer call me a few times over the years asking me to sell some to him. I know the stuff is desirable…. It about makes me stroke to think a roll of common silver dimes is almost a hundred bucks!
    Tall Paul likes this.
  4. The Half Dime

    The Half Dime Arrows!

    A dealer asked you to sell to him? You'd think he'd be wanting you to buy some stuff, but if he knows you've got junk silver, then I guess he says it's go time. ;)

    When it comes to the price of junk silver, $100 for a roll of silver dimes is a rare coin shop deal currently. I sell mine at $22 x face, and most of the online bullion dealers are selling it for around that. I remember when silver was less than $22 an ounce last year, and about $22.50 an ounce a month ago. That's when I thought it wouldn't get this high.... and, yeah, the worst idea in the back of my head has come true.

    I'm hoping that I can get some more junk silver at my LCS's when it goes down again, particularly the one that sells them often at a little less than melt. If they provide junk silver for you, though, and you hoard it, then you are a smart man. Numismatic value may not be much on silver dimes, but they sell really well, and coin dealers will even tell you that dimes are the best out of the junk silver. :)
    Randy Abercrombie likes this.
  5. Barney McRae

    Barney McRae Well-Known Member

    Well things have certainly changed since the last post. :p
    -jeffB likes this.
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