Batten down the hatches... The waters are about to get rough

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by Brett_in_Sacto, Nov 1, 2016.

  1. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    Well, @GDJMSP, all that well may be true, and then again it may not. But what I STRONGLY suggest you WOULDN'T have done is fire off the tersely worded stock email, WITHOUT SPECIFYING which rule my deleted post SUPPOSEDLY violated, delete it without telling or showing me what the offending text was OR which rule it supposedly broke. You see, unlike @MrOrange1970's notice, mine DID NOT EVEN SPECIFY politics as the rule of which I ran afoul; it stated NO RULE AT ALL!!!!

    This is NOT the first time @desertgem has pulled this stunt, but it DOES need to be the last.Below is MY notice:

    V. Kurt Bellman,

    Your message (V. Kurt Bellman) contains inappropriate content. Please do not discuss content of this nature on our site. This does not follow our rules. Your message may have been removed or altered.

    Your account's access may be limited based on these actions. Please keep this in mind when posting or using our site.
    =============[emphasis mine]

    What content?? Inappropriate how???? What nature??? What 'THIS'???? There is no "this" stated or described!!!

    Frankly, I'd like a stinking explanation from you or Peter, preferably BOTH!!!
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
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  3. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    Too late. Most of those ships sailed long ago here, particularly the adjectives that begin with vowels.
  4. Vess1

    Vess1 CT SP VIP Supporter

    Lmao! So they've been replaced with you? Oooooh, what luck!
    Danjohnson likes this.
  5. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    C'mon Vess, it doesn't take much literacy to see that the two biggest kinds of information on the Bullion section are mis- and dis-.
    slackaction1 likes this.

    GDJMSP Numismatist Moderator

    Well Kurt, as much as this might surprise you, I have fired off that exact warning myself, on numerous occasions.

    Why ? Well because it is my belief that people are all too well aware of what they wrote, usually only a matter of a few hours previously. And if they're not well then they should be for I find it hard to believe that their memories are that short !

    It is also my belief that just about everyone who participates here is all to well aware of our forum rules. And they are plainly posted so anyone can read them. And they should also be all to well aware that if they break those rules that there are consequences. Ranging anywhere from verbal warnings, to editing, to removal, to infractions being given, to outright banning from this forum.

    Now, where does the wording in those messages come from ? I believe it is part of the software. That said, any mod can add to that wording if he chooses to do so, change it outright, or he can leave it alone. I have left it alone or added to it when the situation calls for it IMO.

    But I'll tell ya Kurt, once you've gone through a few thousand of those warnings, merely the fact that you need to give them gets old because if people would just control themselves none would need be given. It gets aggravating. And yeah, we're only human. So we suffer from those maladies. And if you're handing out 6-8-10 of them at a time, every time you log-on, it gets mighty tempting to just send the pre-canned warning the software provides.

    Now that said, anytime that anyone does not understand a warning they have been given, then ask the mod who gave it to you. And if you find his answer insufficient, then ask me directly and I will explain it, point out exactly what you did wrong ! But realize this, 99.99% of the time, I agree with moderator actions. In 14 years I can count on my hands the number of times I have disagreed with something a moderator did - and still have fingers left over. So while you WILL get an explanation from me, the odds that anything will change or that I will over-rule the moderator are almost non-existent. But yeah, there have been those very few times when I have over-ruled a moderator.
  7. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    I have asked and yes, the answer is unsatisfactory, ... because it is nonexistent, even now. I'd like your read on it. Which post? What about it broke a rule? Which rule?

    From the INSTANT my post was pulled, until THIS VERY SECOND, I STILL have no idea what rule it is that I supposedly broke, or which post supposedly broke it, IF IT DID, which I doubt. @desertgem obviously feels I am not entitled to that - only his smart mouth. I've had about all I can handle of Jim.

    I asked him these things at 1:20PM yesterday, and there's still no answer. Is that up to CT's standards?
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
  8. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    Nearly three hours later - STILL no answers. Not from Jim, not from Doug, not from Peter, not from ANYONE. Makes me wonder...

    Hurry up, boys. Make something up out of whole cloth.
  9. Brett_in_Sacto

    Brett_in_Sacto Well-Known Member

    Kurt, I was gonna write a long drawn out email to justify what I am gonna say. But instead, I'll just say it.

    Shut up already, and take your grievances up in private with the mods.

    Why do you even come in here? You yourself know that bullion trade is hogwash and everyone loses money. So why are you here?
    mill rat41, Nathan401 and Danjohnson like this.
  10. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    Being a mod on other forums sometimes you just gotta stop a downward trend. Sometimes you just want it to stop. Sometimes you're just annoyed.

    Best method for posters is to just get over it and move on.
    Forums are not democracy driven.

    speaking of which .. how's Silver and Gold doing today in the future's market ?
  11. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    To defend the truth, not that you'd know anything about that.

    Look Brett, on this particular point you make here, I'd ordinarily agree with you. But we're now up to our eyeballs in moderator hypocrisy, and there's a principle at issue. They won't even give the information THEY THEMSELVES have offered to give and is in the site's OWN written policies.

    In essence, it is the moderators that are now violating the site's rules. Oh the horror, the horror. :rolleyes:

    When a site won't even honor the rules they themselves hurl about, at that point, it's EVERYBODY'S business.

    Look, I know you don't like me, and frankly, I don't like you. But that's beside the point here. It's a matter of hypocrisy now.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
    HAB Peace 28 2.0 likes this.
  12. desertgem

    desertgem Senior Errer Collecktor Supporter

    Kurt, you will be waiting for me to answer to you a very long time. I know it will prolong the protracted argument that you, and only you, know what a political remark really is, and everyone else is wrong. It is not in any form here that I have to answer every post or conversation, but I usually do most who seem to want to know how they can follow the rules. That is not your style, so I feel no obligation to do so.
    I have been enjoying the football games and it is halftime, so I thought I would tell you so you can get your sleep. See how considerate I am. Jim
    Danjohnson likes this.
  13. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    You never even told me the issue was politics!!!!!! Some football game. 30+ hours.
  14. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    Jim WON'T answer my questions because he CAN'T. Because he's wrong and he now knows he is, so he's shuckin' and jivin'.
  15. Brett_in_Sacto

    Brett_in_Sacto Well-Known Member

    Gold is rising on the recent election news.

    Saying any more would be considered a "political statement" and I'll leave it at that. I'm sure everyone knows where to get news on why.

    Hard to discuss economic factors without politics - but muting the public is how politicians maintain the status quo. :muted:
  16. V. Kurt Bellman

    V. Kurt Bellman Yes, I'm blunt! Get over your "feeeeelings".

    Really? That's election news I hadn't seen. A link maybe? Or even just a site top-level? You and I both know which candidate makes metals go up, but the news sources I heard today were positive for the other candidate. It was mostly NPR. Yes, they have a bias (who doesn't?) but not as bad as some.

    These last hours are going to be interesting. Brett, if you would like a knock you down surprise, check out my Twitter feed. @VKurtB

    You'll be shocked I'll bet.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2016
  17. Brett_in_Sacto

    Brett_in_Sacto Well-Known Member

    Because you asked - buddy... I have no reason to lie or spin - nor convince everyone that mine is the only opinion in town - dare I say fact.

    Numbers don't lie, and they don't spin. They only provide a quantifiable result.

    And while you have the freedom to insult my integrity and ethics, the numbers quoted speak for themselves - and you are welcome to do the math and figure out if they are correct.

    I almost feel pity for your cause Kurt...

    As Donald Trump climbs in the polls, gold prices are following suit.

    The yellow metal returned to the $1,300-an-ounce milestone for the first time since early October, closing Friday at $1,303.30 an ounce, a 2.2% weekly gain. The safe-haven investment has risen five of the last seven sessions and is closing in on a 52-week high of $1,364 an ounce.

    Meanwhile, the S&P 500 posted red ink on nine consecutive days for the first time since 1980.
    Danjohnson likes this.
  18. Brett_in_Sacto

    Brett_in_Sacto Well-Known Member

    I'll leave it to the twits... Thanks for the offer.
  19. Clawcoins

    Clawcoins Damaging Coins Daily

    I've read a couple articles like that one too from MarketWatch, Bloomberg probably.
    They all also mentioned the UK Brexit ruling.

    If you look at one of the recent spikes (and retreat back) it coincided with the Brexit ruling, if I recall properly.
  20. Phil Ham

    Phil Ham Hamster

    I was only edited out once on this site for a political statement that I made several months ago about the impact of the election on bullion prices and the stock market. I was unaware of the rules at that point and I hope that I don't step over them with my next sentences. As a free trade independent, it is obvious to me the best choice on Tuesday for my porfolio. Although I'm 90% sure of the outcome, I'm holding a little money on the sidelines in case the other thing happens. As with many of you, I invest in stocks, bonds, real estate, treasuries, and PM's. I also diversify by investing in the US, Europe, Asia, and the Emerging Markets. I've been pretty successful with this strategy but it varies depending on the year. Curious as to the best investments with time (inflation adjusted), I created some charts that I share on cointalk annually. I thought it would be a good time for the 2016 update.
  21. Phil Ham

    Phil Ham Hamster

    Here's a chart for those investing since 1980.

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