Anna's Demise

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by yakpoo, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. illini420

    illini420 1909 Collector

    if gold keeps dropping to more affordable levels, you may see that needed bump in sales.
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  3. yakpoo

    yakpoo Member

    True...if prices stabilize. I'm not convinced this latest pullback is done.
  4. cerdsalicious

    cerdsalicious BigShot

    Agreed but I dont think the pullback will be too severe.
    $900 an oz will be its lower limit IMHO.
  5. yakpoo

    yakpoo Member

    Just three (3) weeks to go!! We missed last week's numbers due to the Blizzard of 2010. I returned to MD today and WHAT A MESS!! I've been shovelling all morning and I'm not even half done.

    There's been a blitz of Anna Harrison purchases since the last posting. However, I'm afraid it's too little, too late. It looks like Anna is destined to be the new KEY DATE First Spouse coin!

    I suspect that many of the coins purchased are other people's "returns" and will also be returned. It's a shame the Mint keeps trying to resell damaged goods. They should at least perform some sort of QA on returns and melt the coins that show obvious damage...but I digress.

    As of February 18th...

    3330 Unc (up 177)
    6121 Proof (up 54)

    We now need "average" weekly sales of 298 Uncs and 444 Proofs to catch Louisa Adams...ain't happening!
  6. yakpoo

    yakpoo Member

    WOW!! Anna Harrision Unc sales were strong again this week! ...but not strong enough, I'm afraid.

    As of February 23th...

    3448 Unc (up 118)
    6150 Proof (up 29)

    We now need "average" weekly sales of 388 Uncs and 652 Proofs to catch Louisa Adams!

    This assumes that sales will end on 12 March 2010. By law, First Spouse coins can only be sold for 52 weeks. Since sales of the Anna Harrision coin began 5 March 2009, I would think they would end near that same date in 2010. The Van Buren coins stayed on sale for what seemed like an extra week...which is why I pick 12 March 2010 as the ending date for the Anna Harrision coins. The Jackson proof ended three (3) weeks who knows?! :confused::rolling::confused:

    There's a "chance" that the Mint prices might drop another bracket next week if gold prices remain soft. That might bode well for Anna Harrison sales if they stay on sale through 12 March 2010. If they run out of the coins "on hand" early, it's not likely they will make more in the last week (I suspect that's why they ended the Jackson proof three weeks early).

    Once Anna Harrison ends, who will beat her??

    The Tyler sisters are much more beautiful coins than the ugly Anna Harrison, but their sales are awfully low. On top of that, they end within six (6) weeks of each other...not twelve (12) as is normal. That's because 2009 had six (6) coins issued instead of the normal five (5).

    With everyone saving their FS funds for the fourth (and final) Liberty coin (James Buchanan), the Julia and Letitia Tyler coins will likely pass Anna Harrison as the new KEYs to the series!!

    Once the Mary Todd Lincoln coins come out, I suspect there will a renewed interest in the series (for a time) and sales will go back up. All the Lincoln-philes will have to have a set...which will look nice along side the Lincoln Coins & Chronicles set. I wouldn't be surprised to see after-market prices for some of the earlier issues start to newcomers to the series try to catch up.

    These are wonderful times to be a First Spouse collector!!! :hail:
  7. ML94539

    ML94539 Senior Member

    I think the mintage for this series will keep on dropping, too expensive to keep on buying these.
  8. sunflower

    sunflower New Member

    Unc. or proof: which might make a better investment

    I think I understand what is being spoke of here. Do you folks recommend the Unc. or Proofs for this and these pretty First Ladies?
  9. jaceravone

    jaceravone Member

    THere is absolutely no doubt that down the road the Uncs will have the lowest mintage compared to their proof counterparts and if these coins do gain in any numismatic value that the uncs will be the most valuable. As of right now, they are worth almost the same. Proofs though are definitely the most attractive.
  10. ML94539

    ML94539 Senior Member

    I agree
  11. RGJohn777

    RGJohn777 Junior Member

    Yes they are too!

    And thank you Yakpoo for generating so much interest and excitement about these sweet gals we all so dearly love. (Albeit, some more than others.)

    I'm two-timing Louisa myself now and got an Anna and a Letitia order into the mint last week.
    The mint owes you a commission I say!
  12. yakpoo

    yakpoo Member

    "Reports of my Death have been greatly exaggerated"

    It looks like there's a delay, for some reason, with the rollout of the Abigail Fillmore FS coin...originally schedule for release on March 4th.

    Anna's whistling past the grave!! :whistle: Could this be her "11th hour reprieve" from the Governor? The Mint must have a shelf full of unsold AH coins...or could they just want Louisa Adams to remain as the Key to the Series? Can the Mint "legally" continue selling Anna Harrison coins past the 52 week deadline?

    These, and other questions, will be answered on next week's episode of "SOAP"! :D
  13. yakpoo

    yakpoo Member

    I just got off the phone with the US Mint. I'm trying to find out why the Abigail Fillmore coin has been delayed and what that means for Anna Harrision sales.

    The woman I spoke with (I forgot her name) didn't have much information to add. She didn't know why the Abigail Fillmore issue was delayed and didn't know what the new date would be...other than it "should" still be in March.

    I asked what she knew about the end date for Anna Harrison sales. She acknowledged that Van Buren and Jackson coins had been sold after the next issue began. She didn't know when the Anna Harrision would go off sale.

    I reviewed US CODE:TITLE 31 > SUBTITLE IV > CHAPTER 51 > SUBCHAPTER II > § 5112. This statute outlines the parameters of each coin program. The following passage would suggest that the FS coins would be issued for a 52 week period. However, the presidential coins are "minted" during that period, but as everyone knows, they are still being issued by the Mint.

    What does this mean for First Spouse coins? Can unsold coins be later released by the Mint? Are the sales figures the "Final Figures"...or can unsold coins be released after the one (1) year mintage period? Are there existing First Spouse coins that were minted and not sold? What are the "actual" mintages and what will the final mintage figures be? :confused:

    Some people (and I'm one of those people) are making purchase decisions based on the understanding that the mintage figures (after one (1) year...52 weeks) is the final number and any remaining coins are melted and the dies are destroyed.

    If that's NOT the case, we need to know. The Mint should be required to answer these questions. :hammer:
  14. pale ridder

    pale ridder Junior Member

    who is ANNA? What is her trouble?
  15. RGJohn777

    RGJohn777 Junior Member

    Anna, sweet Anna........

    Sorry PaleRider and any others whom we have confused.
    Anna is Anna Harrison, wife of the president in the 1840's, and the subject of a 1/2 ounce pure gold $10 coin issued by the US Mint. This is a series of coins called the First Spouse and it began with Martha Washington a few years ago. Every year the mint issues these coins for a number (like 4 or 5) of the former presidents' wife. Not many are selling.
    So, we are carrying on like ninnies because the mintages are rather uncommonly low, and we are projecting/betting that the lowest mintage coin will eventually make us richer than Midas and/or give us bragging rights. And at the moment, the lowest mintage so far has been that for the wife of John Quincy Adams. Her name was Louisa Adams but as you've observed, we are all on such famous terms with one another that we just go by first names.
    And that in a nutshell is Anna's tale. And her problem is that nobody loves her. So if you and lots of others would simply buy loads of her coin, she wouldn't become the new low mintage and therefor the 'key' to the series. And this sweet old man with the large position in Louisa (means I bought a few) will eventually score big someday! Now who wouldn't like that?
    Well Yakpoo maybe who apparently/possibly did something similar only with Anna, Sweet Anna. And thanks to this thread, so did I! Thanks Yak!
  16. bqcoins

    bqcoins Olympic Figure Skating Scoring System Expert

    hmmm, I still think the washington and the adams will be the keys to that series as quite a few of them ended up in the melting pot when gold shot up.
  17. yakpoo

    yakpoo Member

    No problem...glad to help :rolling:

    My low mintage hoard...

    Louisa Adams: 2 Proof, 2 Unc
    Anna Harrison: 2 Proof, 4 Unc

    I hope mint doesn't screw us by releasing 30,000 of these things a year or two from now. :headbang:
  18. jaceravone

    jaceravone Member

    True, very true....but the problem is that totals were not kept as to how many were melted. I got firsthand word from Silver Towne several years ago that they were melting so many of the 2007 first spouse coins that they couldn't keep track. I wish these people would take the time and count so we would have accurate numbers!
  19. RGJohn777

    RGJohn777 Junior Member

    Those stinkers could do it too........

    ARRRGH! Nightmare! I remember the Dag Hamisjold (that isn't spelled correctly) inverted error postage stamp. Once discovered, they deliberately printed gazillions to render them worthless, as they remain to this day.
    I MAY have somewhat given you nice folks a false impression in regard to the size of my holdings. I don't yet need an armored car or walk-in vault, but for ME, it's a big position. And yakpoo has quite a sum tied up in that harem of his too.
    I think/hope/pray that this series gives decent returns( that is say not as large as any given CEO's weekly cornucopia.), but as we look down that LONG line of up-coming golden girls in the YPFS series, one cannot help but to hope that the lottery draws one's number. And soon.
    My fallback plan is to leave them as an inheritance. Eventually even when we're all saying "Yes boss", and "No boss", with the 3 words we've learned to speak in Chinese, surely THEY will want a real one.
  20. pale ridder

    pale ridder Junior Member

    Thankyou for the help! Interesting,very interesting!!
  21. yakpoo

    yakpoo Member near as I can tell, the Abigail Fillmore coins are on hold and the Anna Harrison coin will remain on sale indefinately. I guess that pretty much defeats the purpose of this thread...and seems a bit disingenuous on the part of the Mint.

    If a private company ran their business like the US Mint, the Federal Trade Commision would shut them down. :hammer:

    Anna Harrison mintages as of 04 March 2010...

    Unc: 3506 (+58)
    Proof: 6183 (+33)

    Louisa Adams (current Key to the series)

    Unc: 4223
    Proof: 7454

    It's not clear based on US Title 31 whether or not the Mint's sales figures
    represent the final mintage figures. It's possible that there are more coins minted than sold and these coins can still be released between now and the end of the Presidential coin program (sometime in 2016). I don't see any verbage that restricts that from happening.

    The Mint leads us to believe that these coins will be sold for one (1) year only...52 weeks, and the unsold coins destroyed and the dies defaced. If that's not the case, they should make a clear announcement of how the program is to be run. They owe this to their loyal customers. :loud:
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