America the Beautiful 5oz opinions

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by Jatkiss, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. Mr Roots

    Mr Roots Underneath The Bridge

    My LCS is already sending them off to be melted.
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  3. I am actually glad to hear that. I will bet that survival estimates of some of the bullion version ATB coins will end up being lower than the collector versions as time goes on. Few if any of the collector version ATB coins will hit the smelter. TC
    stewart dandis likes this.
  4. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    Very interesting. What's the advantage to melting them?
  5. Phil Ham

    Phil Ham Hamster

    Although I don't own any bullion pucks, they are selling above melt. With the mintage not too high, I think that they will appreciate. Thus, I would not sell them at 90% of melt to a dealer. I'm thinking that the dealers would hold them for resale in lieu of bagging it for melt.
  6. treehugger

    treehugger Well-Known Member


    Remember this? Ignored for years and now a darling of coin collectors.

    Be careful what you poo-poo today. It could well be tomorrow's hot item.
    GoldFinger1969 and onecenter like this.
  7. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    Yeah, sounds like his LCS’s is a bunch of shysters, trying to buy a rare coin at less than melt. I mean really, who would pay to melt a coin that’s already pure and rare to boot?
    Want to tell us which LCS this is?
  8. stewart dandis

    stewart dandis Well-Known Member

    I still ignore them, but they are popular with lots of collectors.
    GoldFinger1969 likes this.
  9. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Absolutely true! When they first started out in 2010 collectors thought they were going somewhere, at least I did. They're huge coins but they don't have a huge following. In my limited opinion the only buyers are collectors who want them and of course the doomsday preppers. :D ima56ges.jpg
  10. The bullion versions are viewed by many as just that bullion. I believe that many will be melted down by people unaware of the low mintages. TC
  11. Jay Lefler

    Jay Lefler New Member

    I would never sell a coin for below melt. Or at melt, for that matter. There are more then enough dealers to pay at least $1 over spot for precious metals so you don't have to resort to those shenanigans.
  12. Mr Roots

    Mr Roots Underneath The Bridge

    Rare..?...LOL...Have you ever looked on ebay?
    Shysters..?...You can get 60% at a small pawn shop or you can 9o%+ at a bullion/coin store....the people buying it to melt don't care that they could get a small premium if they put it on a shelf and let it sit there for the next six months as the price of silver fluctuates.
  13. chip

    chip Novice collector

    One of my local stores had about 80 of the collector versions, he ended up selling them for 17o apiece to another dealer
  14. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    Hmm, that's about double what Mr. Root's LCS pays and I would imagine that's for the more recent ones the mint just sold for $155.

    So Roots, which LCS is that and where is it? And, why are they melting .999 fine bullion? Are they crazy or just plain stupid?
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2014
  15. Mr Roots

    Mr Roots Underneath The Bridge

    Do I really need to explain the relationship between a bullion dealer and smelter/assayer and why it is lucrative to melt fine silver. There's people that buy and sell thousands and thousands of ounces of silver every day of the week and your talking about a 5 ounce "coin".
  16. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    Yeah, explain that. I'd say your LCS is blowing smoke up your..........

    Come on, your LCS is so reputable you don't want to name them here and tell us where we can go get such a great deal?
  17. Nuglet

    Nuglet Active Member

    I think they are buying the pucks and paying to melt them then selling the silver for them to make new pucks with, or bullion that sells at a smaller premium.. yeah right...
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2014
  18. Mr Roots

    Mr Roots Underneath The Bridge

    They don't sell the pucks, waste of floor space. When they buy one they get rid of it within a day or two at a very small profit.....Good bullion dealers make money by pushing weight, not "numismatic" premiums. They don't care about the packaging, finish or mintage of 99% of modern bullion. There's no difference between an Ms69 or 62. It all gets melted.
  19. Phil Ham

    Phil Ham Hamster

    I hope they are melting the bullion pucks at melt ($100); it will make them go up in value. If they melting the collector bucks at $100, they are crazy. Even the Mount Rushmore is selling at $180 on the bay, which must get you at least $150 after ebay/paypal charges. All the other collector pucks are selling for over $200 bucks.
    stewart dandis likes this.
  20. stewart dandis

    stewart dandis Well-Known Member

    The seller made money.
    The buyer will make money.

    Looks like all are making money on the P-Pucks.
  21. statequarterguy

    statequarterguy Love Pucks

    No one in their right mind is melting pucks or ASE's, they're already compact and in one of the most respected, marketable forms. Only a dealer that's trying to lowball you would claim a melting expense to increase their profit.

    That's what I thought, you can't name a dealer that told you that.
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