25th ASE Anniversary Thread, Grading Fees & Results

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by david2400, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. goldmember

    goldmember Junior Member

    I thought the same until I got 2 complete sets of 69s and the other 3 reverse proofs were all 70s. I can sell each RP 70s to buy a complete set OGP to keep, and still have the rest or sell them. Since all the coins are selling at a premium with the 25th label it seems like a waste to crack them out when I can buy a set for much cheaper than I could sell these for. I also have several 70s in the odd coins, which people are looking for to complete 70 sets.
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  3. ClairHardesty

    ClairHardesty New Member

    If you have a dremel or similar tool you can use a cutting wheel. You can also use a hacksaw or coping saw with a fairly fine tooth blade. Any kind of saw works. Don't just break the slab with a hammer, chisel, or pliers, use some sort of cutting tool and it should be easy to do without any risk of damage to the coin. Just make sure that you work over a soft surface in case the coin suddenly falls out. I have opened PCGS, NGC, and ANACS slabs with no incidents (using dremel).
  4. midas1

    midas1 Exalted Member

  5. DW-coins

    DW-coins Slave to coins...

    I've busted out more slabs than I can begin to count and have tried all the different routes, some better than others, but there is no better and safer way than using a small hammer. All you need to do is lay the slab on its side and gently smack the edges of the slab with the hammer. It breaks loose the sonicated plastic so that you can just open it up like a nut. It's very coin friendly and despite the scary feeling of hitting a rare coin with a hammer, it really is a safe method.
  6. david2400

    david2400 New Member

    rguinn - did you submit to PCGS or NGC? These seem like PCGS numbers...
  7. rguinn

    rguinn New Member

    PCGS...won't make that mistake again.
  8. david2400

    david2400 New Member

    Sorry to hear that - you may want to take your sub-70 coins and submit them (in slabs so you get the set label) to NGC. I've always broken coins out of the slabs before resubmitting, but with these you can't or you won't get the special label. But it does seem like your worst grades were the 2011-S and the Reverse Proof, so those can be broken out and you'll still get the labels from NGC (if you want to take that route). Best of luck!
  9. DW-coins

    DW-coins Slave to coins...

    This yet another example of the consistency (or lack thereof) with PCGS's grading of ultra modern issues. If indeed they graded all the 25th ASE's this way, that would be fine but the problem is that young graders looking to move up the ladder are first put in the modern grading section. The problem now is that you get one grader who's a stickler and another grader who's much more generous and you end up with things like this. It may well be that rguinn's grades are a closer reflection of reality as far as technical grading is concerned, but unless ALL the TPG's are following this paradigm then it's not a fair playing field for both buyers and sellers.
  10. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    what is min grade?
  11. goldmember

    goldmember Junior Member

    Credit to JJK from post 51:

  12. david2400

    david2400 New Member

    Well just checked the tracking on my coins and they are (finally) in Sarasota! I got the local post office to apply the money I already paid for the priority registered to re-send the package priority insured - the benefits of living in a small(ish) town where people know each other... The central processing hub in San Bernardino gave some crap reason that you can't send a package priority and registered - which we all know is untrue - but at least I didn't have to pay full postage twice and they made it to NGC. Now I just have to sit and wait and sit and wait.... Why do I already have a Carly Simon song playing in the soundtrack of my mind?? :p
  13. david2400

    david2400 New Member

    While I was online, thought I would check to see if NGC has posted any population results but nothing yet... Will post them here once they are up...
  14. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

  15. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    dont be surprised if they come up with a 71 number to distinguish a greater than perfect coin and then everyone will chase that
  16. chip

    chip Novice collector

    One of my local dealers wants to play the grading game, I have one set coming, he has offered to trade me a set for my unopened one to send in.
    I told him I would do it but wanted to cherry the best set he had of five, he said he did not want to do that but instead would pay out some cash and his opened set for my unopened one. I like the guy but how much cash would be fair?
    I am thinking since he is into the sets for 300 each, and grading costs about a cnote, and that he could probably sell a graded set for at least 600 that a cnote would be fair to me.

    Tell me I am wrong, but tell me where I am wrong.
  17. krispy

    krispy krispy

    @ Chip: I would wait for your set to arrive before agreeing on anything. Make sure there are no rattling sounds coming from inside the Mint packing box. Next, wait for the Mint to announce all coins have shipped and that there are no more customers who are currently awaiting their open/in process orders to be fulfilled. Then watch the prices rise a bit again with these shut out customers turning to the secondary market, especially nearing the holiday season at the end of December. You may have more leverage with your extra cash you would be asking from your dealer at that time.

    We won't know pop reports on graded sets for a while so prices will not be settled on those to figure out a fair price. It seems a very large portion are likely to grade up in the 69/70 range, so there may be many out there. That's down the road though when we see published reports from TPGs.

    Keep your dealer interested but on your back burner. You might be able to do better selling unopened Mint boxes on your own very nearer to Christmas (when you can ship it Express to incentivize buyers). You may score more than the offer from your dealer, say $800 to $1,000 OGP. Or your dealer may be banging on your door to get a set for his own customers in 2-3 weeks from now, thus willing to pay your asking price.

    While the sets have officially sold out, not all orders are processed and I expect some attention to turn to online auctions and cause another price increase in the month ahead. This is only my speculation.

    In short, keep him interested but buy yourself some more time to take advantage of prices on the secondary market.
  18. spock1k

    spock1k King of Hearts

    where is mr rediculous when we need him. i am sure he can let us know how this thing is going to pan out after all 2000 years must mean something. Vulcan calling grandpa GD. come in and settle this matter will you. i cant believe that this modern set is getting so many people so excited.
  19. SILVER E C-C

    SILVER E C-C Junior Member

    I'm thinking with so many sets being graded and many sets being broken up, the sets in the OGP might be the ones to own. The survival rate on the OGP sets by now is probably quite low making the even more rare, and from what I have seen of these sets I don't need them graded to know that they are 69 to 70's. :yes:I wonder what the survival rate will be on the original mint box sets ~ 50,000 sets or less. :thumb:
  20. JJK78

    JJK78 Member

    Morning everyone,

    In reading through this thread again and seeing results posted, this popped up in my head. Certainly it looks like most of these coins are getting 69's & 70's with only a handful of 67's & 68's... But with regards to the whole "minimum grade" thing, if you submit you coins and specify 69 as the minimum, then technically anything else does not get graded and thus I would think, does not become a part of the population reports?? This would be somewhat misleading if you submit say a box of 5 hoping for a set of 2 of 70's and end up with crap...

    Anyone else submitted to PCGS and get their numbers back yet? No offense to Rguinn - but if my numbers come back similar to yours then I would probably just prefer to keep everything in the OGP and save the $800~
  21. goldmember

    goldmember Junior Member

    No offense, but I don't think this will be the case. Most of these graded sets are being sold with the OGP, so if they become more valuable in OGP then people will start cracking out the 69 sets. As of right now, an open OGP set is just over $700 and a 69 NGC set is just under $1000, giving about a $250 difference. I think this difference holds, and hopefully gets bigger over time.
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