2017 Silver(!) Krugerrand

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by COCollector, Oct 17, 2016.

  1. stoster38

    stoster38 Member

    I'll believe it when I see it [emoji6]

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  3. Aquahollic

    Aquahollic ֍ E Pluribus Unum ֎

    Well believe it because they're a coming!!

    You can always go on eBay and buy them now.
    stoster38 likes this.
  4. stoster38

    stoster38 Member

    I hope they sell ungraded coins too!!

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    Tater and Aquahollic like this.
  5. Aquahollic

    Aquahollic ֍ E Pluribus Unum ֎

    Same here!
    stoster38 likes this.
  6. SilverTracker

    SilverTracker Well-Known Member

    Yeah but still no mention of price....:rage:
  7. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Supporter! Supporter

    eBay has one presale price of $90 or best offer. They jump from there and go to $210 up to one generous fellow who wants $500.
  8. stoster38

    stoster38 Member

    eBay is usually overpriced on these kinds of releases. I'm thinking way less than $90 for an ungraded coin.

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  9. Lylelovett666

    Lylelovett666 Member

    Apmex has 1 oz proofs for.............................................................................................249.00.
    I think I'm gonna buy a roll of eagles for 395.00 instead.
  10. silversiren

    silversiren Active Member

    LOL the proofs were initially 169 I think, just like a while back the 2015 proof/rproof libertad set started off at 199 before they kept jacking the price up to 499. Gotta love it!
  11. stoster38

    stoster38 Member

    Any information on the actual time the coins will go on sale? Want to make sure I'm ready!!

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  12. Lylelovett666

    Lylelovett666 Member

    They've gone way past my capacity(financially & sanity wise)for love.
    sio2ga and stoster38 like this.
  13. silversiren

    silversiren Active Member

    They sold out of them (for now LOL) at about $310 each. Seems like a very reasonable price for a seminumi newly issued 1 troy oz silver proof coin . . . I crack myself up. Although I am a sucker for anniversary releases that are at least a little significant, I'm not that much of one! Patience is a virtue, I was very excited to see all the Krugerrand releases come out, as were a lot of other people, at a time where I am not seeing a lot of exciting new releases, so I love the buzz but when the hype translates into crazy premiums, I just love it all from a far.
  14. Nathan401

    Nathan401 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

    The black slab looks really sharp.
    asheland likes this.
  15. ddddd

    ddddd Member

    There was an idea of price when the GovMint catalog came out in December (they printed the prices before knowing the shipment would be delayed).
    It was around $40 per coin (for the non-proof version). That was uncertified.
    My guess would be an MS 70 will be over $100 and that the raw coin will be the same $40 as mentioned in that GovMint ad.
    sio2ga and stoster38 like this.
  16. Santinidollar

    Santinidollar Supporter! Supporter

    Just checked the Govmint site. They also are swooning over the slab and label. Anyone suppose someone is going to sell just the coin?:confused:
    Tater likes this.
  17. sio2ga

    sio2ga Member

    It will be real interesting to see what pricing MCM has. In looking at ebay it seems people are wanting $325 for a SP70 FDOI. I think that's crazy and most likely in a couple of days they can be bought for half that from MCM. I wonder what the people that overpaid will do on their orders? I would think lots of people will be canceling or returning their orders if they can get $150 back by doing so and still having the coin to boot. Anybody care to guess what MCM's pricing will be on the graded SP70 coin?
    I used the cert number 4527046-379 to look up the registry stats and it seems there are about 8000 coins that have been graded and the majority of the ones graded are SP70. 2 were early release and got bad grades of 66 and 68. I think about 800 were attributed as "first day of production" and I've never seen that attribution before. The balance of coins, approx. seven thousand, are all First Day of Issue. It seems that no one aside from MCM has sent any coins in to be graded which is puzzling to me. I'm wondering how many out of the 7,000 coins will sell in the first week? Anybody care to guess?
    I imagine lots of folks will be checking the website on the 13th to see what the pricing is and to see if MCM also has proofs. I would imagine they most probably do since they've gone to so much marketing expense with the regular "premium uncirculated" specimen coins.
    It seems the bullion stacker's seem to think the coin isn't worth much over spot but as a coin collector I see the value in the coin over spot. I'm looking forward to getting one in a black slab!
  18. sio2ga

    sio2ga Member

    As far as I can tell, to date there has only been 7,870 coins submitted to ngc for grading . Out of 7000 the ones that graded 70 are over 2:1 to the ones that graded 69. Below is a screen shot of NGC registry stats from this morning.

    Attached Files:

  19. sio2ga

    sio2ga Member

    MCM will sell just the raw coin itself for $39 if they keep the prices they published a few months back. With all of the problems they've had it wouldn't surprise me if they increase the price. I imagine all of the raw coins they sell will be rejects (SP68 or below) from the ones they sent in for grading.
  20. ddddd

    ddddd Member

    My guesses are
    Raw: $40
    69: $79
    70: $129
    sio2ga likes this.
  21. sio2ga

    sio2ga Member

    That's about what I was thinking but I was unsure about the 70's price. I wonder what the ebay purchasers will do Monday when they see they can get the coin TWO HUNDRED dollars cheaper?? I imagine there will be a lot of folks wanting to return their coins, dontcha think?
    stoster38 likes this.
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