2011 GOLD high $1,500.00, SILVER high $24.00

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by elaine 1970, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    yes. we did.

    Sep 17 2010 5:27AM NY Time
    Bid/Ask 20.90 20.93
    Low/High 20.80 21.03
    Change +0.10 +0.48%
    30DayChg +2.51 +13.65%
    1YearChg +3.69 +21.44%

    Sep 17, 2010 05:24 NY Time
    Bid/Ask 1281.10 - 1282.10
    Low/High 1274.50 - 1284.00
    Change +5.60 +0.44%
    30daychg +51.70 +4.21%
    1yearchg +268.70 +26.54%
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  3. 1970 Silver Art

    1970 Silver Art Silver Art Bar Collector

    Yep the high so far today for silver is $21.03. I hope that silver can finish above $21.00 today. What an awesome week for silver.
  4. anchor1112

    anchor1112 Senior Member

    amazing. great. wow. that i can say at this time.
  5. Pepperoni

    Pepperoni Senior Member

    Friday is hard, no one wants to go home with a large position and have to deal with it on Monday. When they do,the market will be really rocking.,

  6. Evom777

    Evom777 Make mine .999

    I watch 3 business networks (CNBC, FOXB, BIT) and they are reporting that slowly but surely the uncertainty that is in the air regarding the global markets is growing daily. Many analysts are stumped as to why the PMs are rising daily, but yet others are convinced that the confidence in Wall street might not be back for a long time, therefore We could see the PMs surge indefinately. (and that does not include the industrial demand/factor)

    All of this is not breaking news to some of Us, but I`d like to see the PMs stabilize for a few more weeks so I can buy more of them. It seems like just yesterday when I was buying silver for $18 an ounce. : )
  7. dave92029

    dave92029 Member

    Ah yes, the good old days - three weeks ago!
  8. GregBnCoins

    GregBnCoins Member

    Prediction for year end SLV /$26.50 GLD/ $1370
  9. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    gold high - $1,281.20/oz. silver high - $20.93/oz.
  10. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    Sep 20, 2010 00:38 NY Time
    Bid/Ask 1281.20 - 1282.20
    Low/High 1277.60 - 1282.30
    Change +6.50 +0.51%
    30daychg +53.20 +4.33%
    1yearchg +274.70 +27.29%

    Sep 20 2010 12:39AM NY Time
    Bid/Ask 20.89 20.92
    Low/High 20.83 20.93
    Change +0.12 +0.58%
    30DayChg +2.87 +15.93%
    1YearChg +3.91 +23.03%
  11. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    gold high - $1,282.90/oz.
  12. Pepperoni

    Pepperoni Senior Member

    Considering what will happen in November 2nd and that is 43 days away gold might be at that level. Nothing is fixed with one move though.
    people may be looking for a pull back to really buy.
    We shall have some time to watch the graphs.

  13. fatima

    fatima Junior Member

    The key here are the bold parts. i.e. analysts on these networks. This is because these three networks are nothing more than shrills for the status quo. You won't learn anything useful here except for maybe the occasional speech by Dylan Ratigan (who I am surprised they haven't gotten rid of yet.) CNBC, which is owned by General Electric, the biggest defense contractor in the word which also owns TARP recipient GE Capital, has received orders from it's parent to not be too critical of any policy put forth by Obama. How many analysts on those networks have been harping about "recovery" for the last two years all while ignoring that it was financed by government debt and not due to anything being fixed?

    The government doesn't want people to own gold. They want to keep them in the federal reserve system as that is where they keep control over the people. Gold is going up because the rest of the word is losing confidence in the $. Even here in the USA, despite the endless attempts by NBC, ABC, CBS & FOX to put a happy face on things while obfuscating and ignoring any important news, even the Boobus Americanus is starting to realize something is horribly wrong. When they finally figure out it's due to the horrendous monetary policies of the federal reserve in cahoots with the treasury, gold will shoot to the moon real fast. This is the last thing any of these networks want.

    For the most part, the rise in gold prices has happened without the support of the general American public, which, unlike the rest of the world, has been selling its gold. When this turns around, gold will become a scarce item. Silver too.
  14. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    gold high - $1,284.40/oz. (new all time record high)
    silver high - $21.01/oz.

    Sep 20, 2010 09:27 NY Time
    Bid/Ask 1279.80 - 1280.80
    Low/High 1277.00 - 1284.40
    Change +5.10 +0.40%
    30daychg +51.20 +4.17%
    1yearchg +272.70 +27.09%

    Sep 20 2010 9:28AM NY Time
    Bid/Ask 20.81 20.83
    Low/High 20.76 21.01
    Change +0.04 +0.19%
    30DayChg +2.79 +15.48%
    1YearChg +3.83 +22.56%
  15. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    gold new all time record high - $1,284.80/oz.
  16. 1970 Silver Art

    1970 Silver Art Silver Art Bar Collector

    It appears that there is no stopping the Yellow Metal Barbarian. :)
  17. Evom777

    Evom777 Make mine .999

    I agree with You that most networks are in the tank for the Obama administration, but they too are starting to report on the uncertainty that is ever increasing regarding the U.S.economy. Networks exist for ratings first and their agendas second. The Obama honeymoon is long since over, and the average viewer is not buying the "everything is coming up roses" reporting anymore. They`ll start to tune out if a network is going to choose to keep that mantra going.

    Even though We don`t see too much regarding the current highs of the PMs on the networks, I am however seeing a slight increase on the advocation of owning them. I can remember last year when many anaylsts were opposed to buying silver (and myself yelling at the tv calling them idiots) because the mines had "exceeded demand" with their production. Funny how I`m not hearing too much of that rhetoric this year.

    I do agree with You that more Americans are waking up and will invest in gold. I think We will see a steady rise in silver as well, but for other reasons besides investors driving it up. Silver has far more industrial applications than gold, and is more balanced as far as demand.
  18. sunflower

    sunflower New Member

    + or - 99 dollars, here are my best guesses for Gold and Silver in 2011: Gold at 2100 and Silver at 31

    Gold - first week of month: Oct 2010/1300, Nov 2010/1200, Jan 2011/1200, Mar 2011/1400, May2011/1600, July 2011/1800, Sept 2011/1900, Nov 2011/2100, Dec 2011/2000. (2011 yearly estimated guess at 2100+).

    Silver -first week of month: Dec 201/15, Jan 2011/18, Mar 2011/22, Jun 2011/26, Sep 2011/26, Nov 2011/28, Dec 2011/31. (2011 yearly estimatd high guess at 31 dollars).
  19. mystery45

    mystery45 Junior Member

    I don't see this happening. Gold and silver are not going to shoot that high. if they do then i would be selling right off the bat since i would give that a week before they start crashing down. those are bubble prediction just like the OP in the other thread stated gold would hit 1300.

    predictions are not very good at this time given the market. i would just watch the charts and the market and see what is going to happen.
  20. sunflower

    sunflower New Member

    Fair enough. So do tell us where do you think the metals are going?

    Note, a day or so ago when looking at the thread, I noticed that some of the early posters had added their two cents on where they thought gold and silver was or was not going. So I thought about it a little more - and then posted shortly after.

    Escpecially, after a year, I can forget what I was originally thinking, hence why I placed it where I can follow it. By next year, it will all be very interesting - regardless what happens in the prediction guessing.

    P.S. Not trained on charts here.
  21. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    Sep 22 2010 3:22AM NY Time
    Bid/Ask 21.05 21.08
    Low/High 20.89 21.14
    Change +0.10 +0.48%
    30DayChg +3.06 +17.01%
    1YearChg +3.93 +22.96%

    closes in 13 hrs. 51 mins.
    Sep 22, 2010 03:24 NY Time
    Bid/Ask 1289.60 - 1290.60
    Low/High 1287.10 - 1294.50
    Change +2.80 +0.22%
    30daychg +64.10 +5.23%
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