2011 GOLD high $1,500.00, SILVER high $24.00

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by elaine 1970, Sep 3, 2010.

  1. fools_gold

    fools_gold Junior Member

    I think the air out of the balloon (USD value) will seep slowly and in an organized way. Meaning, we are not going to wake up to $5,000 gold tomorrow....otherwise it would cause total market panic. But if you do it slowly, very slowly and methodically, it's more acceptable. I mean, when PM prices drop, it's probably the manipulator pretending to trick the market into thinking that PM's aren't all that safe...but then slowly rises higher then the last peak. Kinda like giving the market a "bone" that it's ok for you guys to still do what you do on Wall St....
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  3. dave92029

    dave92029 Member

  4. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    Thanks dave92029. Silver might start over $20.00 on Tuesday. We can observe also the Asia opening on Monday.
  5. davemac

    davemac dave

    Ok going out on a limb here but food prices will rise faster than gold or sliver.
    think about it How much oz would you trade for food for your kids ?
  6. dave92029

    dave92029 Member

    I bought a Glock in case things get real desperate, and I need food, etc...LOL
  7. anchor1112

    anchor1112 Senior Member

    now we have to say good bye to silver at $19.00's. next time we buy. it will be $20.00 and above.
  8. davemac

    davemac dave

    nice one . hopefully it will not come to dat lol :D
  9. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    Sep 05, 2010 18:36 NY Time
    Bid/Ask 1249.40 - 1250.40
    Low/High 1246.20 - 1250.50
    Change +2.80 +0.22%
    30daychg +53.80 +4.50%
    1yearchg +257.70 +25.99%
  10. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    Sep 5 2010 6:38PM NY Time
    Bid/Ask 19.87 19.89
    Low/High 19.81 19.96
    Change +0.02 +0.10%
    30DayChg +1.41 +7.64%
    1YearChg +3.65 +22.50%
  11. tekhen

    tekhen Member

    for the year...
    +25.99% & +22.50% respectively.

    and why do we keep money in a bank's savings account at this time?
  12. dave92029

    dave92029 Member

    "WE" , who said that "WE" kept ANY money in bank saving accounts? I never said that.

    The last bank saving account that I opened was because the bank offered me $25 in start the account with $300 and leave it there for six months. After six months I asked what interest rate they would be paying me. The Bank's representative told me that I would have to leave $25,000 or more to receive ANY interest, BUT they told me my money was "safe"

    Hummm. Gold and silver have the exact same rate of return as a bank savings account and IMHO are a lot safer, plus the potential appreciation is hugh. Duh...
  13. fools_gold

    fools_gold Junior Member

    Because this is what we've been bred and uncle sam wants you to stay the course. Too many bank commercials showing how happy you are putting your cash at their bank for 1% interest rate.....
  14. dave92029

    dave92029 Member

    My comments were intended to be funny. I meant no disrespect. I'm just not fond of banks. Please accept my apology if my comments were not funny.
  15. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    Sep 6 2010 6:40AM NY Time
    Bid/Ask 19.90 19.92
    Low/High 19.83 19.97
    Change +0.05 +0.25%
    30DayChg +1.44 +7.80%
    1YearChg +3.68 +22.69%
  16. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    Sep 06, 2010 06:41 NY Time
    Bid/Ask 1249.40 - 1250.50
    Low/High 1247.20 - 1252.30
    Change +2.80 +0.22%
    30daychg +53.80 +4.50%
    1yearchg +257.70 +25.99%
  17. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    silver have overtaken gold as the second spot calculate since the end of last year closed.

    palladium bid 527.00 ask 532.00 up 34.1%
    silver bid 19.90 ask 19.92 up 17.1%
    gold bid 1,249.00 ask 1,250.00 up 14.9%
    platinum bid 1,562.00 ask 1,572.00 up 6.9%
  18. Cloudsweeper99

    Cloudsweeper99 Treasure Hunter

    I will say that gold will be $2400 and silver $35 by the end of 2011. It's a bull market after all.
  19. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    Sep 06, 2010 10:35 NY Time
    Bid/Ask 1249.00 - 1250.00
    Low/High 1247.20 - 1253.00
    Change +2.40 +0.19%
    30daychg +53.40 +4.47%
    1yearchg +257.30 +25.95%
  20. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    Sep 6 2010 10:36AM NY Time
    Bid/Ask 19.88 19.93
    Low/High 19.83 19.97
    Change +0.03 +0.15%
    30DayChg +1.42 +7.69%
    1YearChg +3.66 +22.56%
  21. elaine 1970

    elaine 1970 material girl

    gold high -$1,253.00/oz.
    silver high - $19.98/oz.
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