That's beautiful work!
My quote was Han Solo! (The Blade-Runner one reminds me of it because they begin almost identically)
I've seen a lot of strange stuff. But I've never seen anything to make me believe that there's one all-powerful Force controlling everything....
nice looking sestertius, @GinoLR ! I've got at least a couple Sev. Alex. Sestertii... but none with Sol (or any denomination of Sev. Alex. with...
I'm assuming that's an AE As. (ANNONA AVG?) The surfaces are eroded and it has a lot of edge loss. Could be that it's also lost mass as some of...
It's the A.H. "Fred" Baldwin Collection. This coin was Lot 56 at the Baldwin's sale of his collection on 20 November 1969 in London ("Important...
Boxing. Here was a fight at the Chicago Golden Gloves semifinals many years back. I'm the guy in red getting beaten. Only shows rounds 1-2. The...
I've achieved most of the major ones I had set out for ("plate" coins from Sear Roman and Byzantine, quite a few of the SNG catalogs, and lot of...
Just so you know.... Yours would be an upgrade for mine! [ATTACH]
Here's my one Otho.... This one could also easily go in the "ugly coins" thread. I appreciated that they preserved Otho's face and wig, even if...
For my collecting interests, I couldn't get by without buying ugly coins. Here's my newest ugly "plate coin," published in David Sear's...
Oh yeah, definitely see that. It also has the look of a coin that became a bit rough/porous after cleaning, and had the makeup or clay applied...
That's a great pick-up! I also love all the Gallus examples posted. Newest addition to my Fallen Horseman (FH) collection. (Seller photo, edited...
I'm curious to know what happened if anyone has won and then used acetone on the coins from Sol. I haven't bought any from them but I've noticed...
You have it correctly oriented. It's a figure standing or possibly another object on Mount Argaeus. Here's a similar image, albeit more detailed,...
Separate names with a comma.