Buy your precious metal coins while you can afford them!

Discussion in 'Bullion Investing' started by CHARLES GINETTO, May 18, 2024.


    CHARLES GINETTO Active Member

    Bullion value today, May 18, 2024

    Gold = $2,416.00

    Silver = $ 31.47

    Platinum = $1,090.00

    Plutonium = $1,017.00
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  3. masterswimmer

    masterswimmer A Caretaker, can't take it with me

    giphy (6).gif

    Do you mean palladium?
  4. ToughCOINS

    ToughCOINS Dealer Member Moderator

    The Iranians'll be jumping all over that one . . .
  5. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    I've seen numbers more like $120,000 per ounce ;)

    But, back to the point of your thread - watching silver yesterday was an exciting experience. It just went straight up!
  6. Jeffjay

    Jeffjay Well-Known Member

    Love it! I loaded up on $19 Silver during covid and my only regret is that I didn't pick up more.
    Eric the Red likes this.
  7. 3BStuff

    3BStuff Cogitare Et Prolatantem

    Just what I needed today.
    Where should I buy apmex or amazon?
    -jeffB likes this.
  8. 3BStuff

    3BStuff Cogitare Et Prolatantem

  9. 3BStuff

    3BStuff Cogitare Et Prolatantem

    -jeffB likes this.
  10. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    Not sure where you got that from, but that's the cost for *1* gram, not 100
    -jeffB likes this.
  11. Randy Abercrombie

    Randy Abercrombie Supporter! Supporter

    I suppose I should be bragging about the financial wizard that I am……. But I gotta say…. This scares the britches off me.
  12. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Well-Known Member

    War and Economic uncertainty will push them higher, safe haven's they are

    lardan and masterswimmer like this.
  13. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    I'm happy to see palladium continuing its re-entry trajectory, although I'll be happier still once it's back down around $300 or $400/oz. (I don't expect to see it back under $100, although it was there as recently as the 90s. Wish I could've loaded up in the 70s when it was under $50/oz -- and then had the insider info to SELL when it was above $2K.)
  14. fretboard

    fretboard Defender of Old Coinage!

    Yeah, I've noticed! :smug:

    -jeffB likes this.
  15. slackaction1

    slackaction1 Supporter! Supporter

    Just doesn't make any sense When silver was around 24 to 26 was hard to find Silver at spot and now it peak around 30 I find Silver several times at spot or below.
  16. -jeffB

    -jeffB Greshams LEO Supporter

    More people trying to sell into the spike, I assume?
  17. slackaction1

    slackaction1 Supporter! Supporter

    I guess so Jeff, hard to pass up sometimes when below spot. It seems I got to get it before someone else does.... Or I am late and miss out on a nice collection usually.
  18. pmbug

    pmbug Taking steps on my thousand mile journey

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