You can own it, the Del Monte note

Discussion in 'Paper Money' started by Mountain Man, Dec 1, 2020.

  1. Mountain Man

    Mountain Man Well-Known Member

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  3. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    Yeah, I honestly couldn't care less about this so-called "error." It's a bunch of nonsense, a manufactured piece of tripe. I'd give you $20 for it, only because it could buy a pizza.

    Let me be clear: this is not an error at all. This is something someone intentionally made, abusing the machinery. It is not worth anything above face value - and certainly not the premiums it has/will sell for.

    This ranks right down there with "dime struck on nail," and "1913 Liberty nickel" for things that sell for ridiculous prices but which have zero interest for me.
  4. paddyman98

    paddyman98 I'm a professional expert in specializing! Supporter

  5. George McClellan

    George McClellan Active Member

    [​IMG] Italian miniassegni
    with color on back for the particular beneficiary [only].
  6. coinup

    coinup Junior Member

    DALLAS – A $20 bill mysteriously printed on top of an ordinary fruit sticker sold Friday for $25,300, an auction company official said.

    DarkRage666 likes this.
  7. SteveInTampa

    SteveInTampa Always Learning

    @physics-fan3.14 "Let me be clear: this is not an error at all. This is something someone intentionally made, abusing the machinery. It is not worth anything above face value - and certainly not the premiums it has/will sell for.”

    Please tell me how this was accomplished intentionally.
  8. physics-fan3.14

    physics-fan3.14 You got any more of them.... prooflikes?

    From the auction description:
  9. Silverpop

    Silverpop Well-Known Member

    fools and their cash are soon parted is my reply
  10. coinup

    coinup Junior Member

    IIRC there was an art house auction in NY(?) where a blank canvas titled 'Art at it's Essence' sold for several thousand dollars.
    Fools indeed!
  11. DarkRage666

    DarkRage666 Ͳìɾҽժղҽʂʂ Ͳąҟҽղ ටѵҽɾ

  12. DarkRage666

    DarkRage666 Ͳìɾҽժղҽʂʂ Ͳąҟҽղ ටѵҽɾ

    Why do the grading companies still call this an "error?"
  13. KSorbo

    KSorbo Well-Known Member

    Intentional or not, it made it through quality control. It could have been someone at the paper mill messing around. There’s no way it could have been inadvertent. Even if someone was eating a banana during the printing process, how many of us peel off the label?
  14. lettow

    lettow Senior Member

    It was not at the Crane mill. The sticker was applied between the second print (intaglio face plate) and third print (seals and serial number) at the BEP.

    My theory is that it was a joke that the prankster expected QC to find but it slipped through.
    KSorbo likes this.
  15. coinup

    coinup Junior Member

    Imagine my surprise when I was eating a banana and found a 20 dollar bill inside the peel!! :jawdrop:
    DarkRage666 likes this.
  16. hotwheelsearl

    hotwheelsearl Well-Known Member

    I’m more curious in learning how this could have been accomplished UNintentionally
    DarkRage666 likes this.
  17. DarkRage666

    DarkRage666 Ͳìɾҽժղҽʂʂ Ͳąҟҽղ ටѵҽɾ

    I agree it wouldn't make sense for it to be done on accident... as stated above most people don't take the sticker off of the peel and why do it in a bill making facility where it is bound to end up somewhere it's not supposed to be.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2020
  18. lettow

    lettow Senior Member

    I suspect it went something like this.

    There were two employees in the inspection department at BEP. We will call them Jim and Dwight. Jim is always playing pranks on Dwight. Jim gets his girlfriend who works on the numbering press to put a banana sticker on a sheet of notes that she knows Dwight will examine. We will call her Pam.

    Pam doesn't know that Dwight and his cousin Mose were out shining possums the night before on their beet farm. Mose shined the million candle power spotlight directly into Dwight's eyes causing a blind spot in his vision.

    Dwight missed the banana sticker and the note got out into circulation. It is found by a kid in Cleveland. When it comes to the attention of their manager, Michael, that the kid who found it made lots of money off it, he tries to brainstorm with Jim and Dwight on ways to make more of them.

    Their meeting is interrupted by a call from Michael's boss. (She will be known as Jan). She is getting heat from her boss, David Wallace, and she wants to know from Michael how they are going to prevent this from happening in the future.

    With their money-making plans thwarted, Jim, Dwight and Michael head off to Poor Richard's where they discover their fellow employee, Creed, jamming with a Grass Roots cover band.
    NOS, jamor1960 and -jeffB like this.
  19. DarkRage666

    DarkRage666 Ͳìɾҽժղҽʂʂ Ͳąҟҽղ ටѵҽɾ

    Ummm... No comment...
  20. KSorbo

    KSorbo Well-Known Member

    I didn’t think to look at the printing on the sticker. I can see that this shows in what part of the process it happened. Considering that the notes are serialized, I’m sure that management at the BEP would be able to trace which employee, or group of employees, would have been in a position to put the sticker on the note. I would be curious whether personnel actions were taken. After all, it made the news, and would cause upper management to question their processes.
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