Yahoo sends email virus warning

Discussion in 'Error Coins' started by laz, Aug 2, 2003.

  1. laz

    laz New Member

    SBC Yahoo! has sent it's member's a email warning of recent virus attacks.It's important to remember the basics and avoid any attachment that is coming in from any unknown sender.The body of the message follows.....
    Dear SBC Yahoo! Member,

    You may have recently received an email or emails that appear to come
    from "," "," "," "," or similar address. This email is forged and
    contains a virus inside a file usually named "" or
    contains a subject line that includes the words "your account." To
    protect your computer, please delete the email immediately and do not
    open the attachment.

    The forged email states that your email address is expiring. This is
    not correct. SBC Yahoo! would not send you an email to inform you of
    an expired email address.

    The originators of email viruses use varying tactics. As a general
    rule, you should not open attachments in emails from individuals that
    you do not know.

    Please do not respond to this message. For additional information,


    SBC Yahoo! Member Services
    JPD3 likes this.
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