WTS: 1883 O Morgan dollar PCGS MS65

Discussion in 'For Sale' started by tdogchristy90, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. tdogchristy90

    tdogchristy90 Dieu et les Dames

    1883 O Morgan Dollar PCGS MS65 (updated)

    I'm looking to sell this 1883 O morgan dollar, PCGS MS65.

    I'm asking $180 for it, I'd just like to finance other coin interests.

    IMG_1715.jpg IMG_1716.jpg

    As always I welcome any questions, just ask.

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  3. tdogchristy90

    tdogchristy90 Dieu et les Dames

    Reduced to 165.
  4. tdogchristy90

    tdogchristy90 Dieu et les Dames

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