World Coins: Your Newest Acquisition!

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by petro89, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. chrsmat71

    chrsmat71 I LIKE TURTLES!

    A new tiny little struck silver coin from India.


    India, Travencore, struck AR Chuckram, Rama Varma IV, 1860-1880.
    6 mm, 0.4 g.

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  3. Bradley Trotter

    Bradley Trotter Well-Known Member

    Japan 2 Sen YR - 15 (1882)
    IMG_3566.JPG IMG_3567.JPG
    Stork, Chris B and PaddyB like this.
  4. rooman9

    rooman9 Lovin Shiny Things

    Just bought this. The images are from the Paris mint. I’ll have to take my own once I get it. I loved the design. There’s a gold one with a large Spitfire and Destroyer on it, but I couldn’t afford that.
  5. tibor

    tibor Supporter! Supporter

    1425-mhainz copy.jpg
    According to Robert Levinson's book there are only two
    of these. This one from the Cervin collection. The date
    is on the left image starting at 6:00. M CCCC XXV
    coin_nut, Nathan401, ominus1 and 4 others like this.
  6. tibor

    tibor Supporter! Supporter

    1495 - I - 336 Saxony Date on both sides copy.jpg
    This coin, a scarce coin, has the date on both sides,
    at 11:00. 97 the "7" is the Medieval form for the
    number "5".
    coin_nut, Nathan401, ominus1 and 3 others like this.
  7. tibor

    tibor Supporter! Supporter

    1469 - 111 - 48 - Deventer copy.jpg


    spirityoda, wcg, coin_nut and 6 others like this.
  8. tibor

    tibor Supporter! Supporter

    The coins that I posted are part of a group that I purchased
    thru auctions over the last year. I was finally able to get them
    to Todd @BluCC Photos for him to work his magic. He does a great job!!
    If anyone has questions, please contact me. I enjoy discussing
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2019
  9. PaddyB

    PaddyB Eccentric enthusiast

    You always have such marvellous coins @tibor I really don't know what to say! I collect British coins, and they don't start being dated until mid 16th century, so I can't compete on date. The British coins of the 15th century show little variety in design - typically a king's head on one side and a cross on the other. Whilst people can get very involved in the exact combinations of letters and mintmarks, in the end they all look a bit similar, whereas your collection is extraordinarily varied. Keep it up!
    Don't worry if you do not get too much chat - we are mostly just dumbfounded. There are not many people in your field - I suspect @talerman and @panzerman are among the few.
  10. tibor

    tibor Supporter! Supporter

    Last edited: Jun 22, 2019
  11. tibor

    tibor Supporter! Supporter

    1374-aachen-2a.jpg 1374-i3a-2.jpg
    The top one is my most recent purchase. There are differences between the
    vestments (robe) and the position of the orb. There are several other
    varieties to collect.
  12. tibor

    tibor Supporter! Supporter

    1450 - koln - 3.jpg
    This Groschen was minted in Riehl. Many of these Groschens that
    depict St. Peter come with or without dates. I believe but not 100%
    sure that the last dated one is 1450.
    coin_nut, ominus1 and PaddyB like this.
  13. tibor

    tibor Supporter! Supporter

    1444-1-71-Schonforst copy.jpg
    This Groschen was minted in Schoonvorst. It listed as an R-2.
    Less than 20 collectable.
    coin_nut, ominus1 and PaddyB like this.
  14. Razz

    Razz Critical Thinker

    I actually dont know why I picked this one up, but it was only $4 and it caught my eye on the bid board. Studying it a bit I do like the design. PhotoEditor_20190622_205450198.jpg PhotoEditor_20190622_205528265.jpg
    Stork, coin_nut, tibor and 3 others like this.
  15. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Picked up a small lot of world silver from a local pawn shop. This is a few of them.

    Stork, coin_nut, tibor and 6 others like this.
  16. ominus1

    ominus1 Well-Known Member

    Maximilian ll  Girl with Pearl  lapi luzis mineral 001.JPG Maximilian ll  Girl with Pearl  lapi luzis mineral 002.JPG Maximilian ll, HRE denar of Hungary..
    spirityoda, coin_nut, PaddyB and 4 others like this.
  17. Chris B

    Chris B Supporter! Supporter

    A piece that may not seem like much but it is a state that I didn't have.


    German States

    Diameter:14.6 mm
    Weight: .37 g

    Obverse: HILDES above ornately-shaped arms
    Reverse: Imperial orb with value divides date

    Composition: Billon
    coin_nut, PaddyB, chrsmat71 and 2 others like this.
  18. tibor

    tibor Supporter! Supporter

    @ominus1 That is a really nice piece. Especially well struck. Did you acquire
    it as a type coin or are you working on a date run?
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2019
    ominus1 likes this.
  19. Nathan401

    Nathan401 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

    This guy is on his way to PCGS 108B8639-E04D-4655-91A5-6CC95BCB52D7.jpeg 00B35539-D693-47B3-B598-778E3C2DC1BC.jpeg
    wcg, coin_nut, PaddyB and 3 others like this.
  20. Chris B

    Chris B Supporter! Supporter

    Nothing that specific. I just pick up nice GS pieces that I don’t have and are in my budget. So, I guess that does make it a type coin.
  21. tibor

    tibor Supporter! Supporter

    @PaddyB Thank you for the kind words. I really enjoy collecting them.
    I'm fortunate that the span of my collection is approximately 130 years.
    I have other side collections, Morgan dollars, and Hungarian coins. My full
    attention falls on my Early Dated collection, with the others only receiving
    <5% of my time and effort. The variety of design in my collection is due to
    the several dozen different issuing countries and mint masters. Even with
    the earliest piece, the 1374 Aachen groschen, there are several varieties
    concerning the obverse that depicts Charlemagne. As many likes as I have
    received from you, I know you are well familiar with my collection. Maybe
    one day you could start a thread showcasing your collection. I would enjoy
    seeing it's many treasures as would others. Again, Thank you for the kind
    words and encouragement.
    PaddyB likes this.
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