World Coins: Your Newest Acquisition!

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by petro89, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. Hiddendragon

    Hiddendragon World coin collector

    Do you know what kind of prices they were asking? Just curious. This was $10 shipped.
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  3. rooman9

    rooman9 Lovin Shiny Things

    Average looked like $12 so I think you did alright.
    Hiddendragon likes this.
  4. kforbes862

    kforbes862 Well-Known Member

    Here are three new ones from this last week. The Poland coin i got for $4, it is a 1623 3 polker. The small India copper coin I don't know what year it is yet. I do know it is a 1/4 Anna from Jodhpur, around 1900 to 1910, it is very thick. The third is a Kutch state 5 Kori from 1930. There are two different 1930 5 Kori listed, a V.S. 1986 and a V.S. 1987. I'm sure it means the years overlapped in the two different calendars, anyone know if it is the 1986 or 1987? poland1.JPG poland2.JPG india3.JPG india4.JPG india1.JPG india2.JPG
    GSDykes, Siberian Man, jello and 3 others like this.
  5. jj00

    jj00 Well-Known Member

  6. saltysam-1

    saltysam-1 Junior Member

    I found this piece from Saxony and added it to my new Germany collection. It is just starting to tone a little and purchased it on an offer to the seller. P1010482.JPG P1010470.JPG P1010484.JPG
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
    Aidan_(), Derick, spirityoda and 5 others like this.
  7. chrisild

    chrisild Coin Collector

    Nice coin! :) Note that Saxony (Sachsen), where your coin is from, and Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) are two different states though. Ah well, in those days L.S. did not exist yet ...

  8. saltysam-1

    saltysam-1 Junior Member

    I was trying to give a reference to lower Saxony as it is today, at least it shows that way on the Google map. But I'm new to this Christian, and I do appreciate your patience and corrections because I don't know what I'm doing yet. Even trying to educate myself in German history, I see at least a year before I can deal with the complexities. So get ready for many inaccurate posts, but don't stop from the corrections. Another worry is buying a coin that isn't connected to my daughter-in-law or her family, historically; or is over priced. I don't want to buy something that has no meaning. For 50 years I only collected U.S. coins. Now because of my son's marriage to a wonderful girl in Germany, I'm trying to build a little personal inheritance for her. You talk about a fish out of water! :>(

    By the way, I did correct that post but wanted to acknowledge the change if no on sees the correction.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
    chrisild likes this.
  9. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    Enjoy your hunting . Christian is one of the best to ask about you hunt.
    saltysam-1 likes this.
  10. Siberian Man

    Siberian Man Senior Member

    Principality of Serbia.
    10 para 1879. The single release only.

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    jj00, sonlarson and jello like this.
  11. britannia40

    britannia40 Well-Known Member

    These two arrived today. 1797 2D's
    j1.png j2.png j3.png j4.png
  12. spirityoda

    spirityoda Coin Junky

  13. GSDykes

    GSDykes Well-Known Member

    Nice thread, beautiful stuff!! I recently acquired this Liberian dollar, 1968. It showcases Gilroy Roberts at his best. This and the Kennedy are amongst the finest portraits on coins, in my opinion.

  14. GSDykes

    GSDykes Well-Known Member

    Chile has some outstanding coin art. The vultures and condors are exceptional. However this one (also a 5 peso) displays liberty beautifully. Chile 10 Peso, 1976. Nice large coin. I just recently acquired this;

  15. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

  16. jj00

    jj00 Well-Known Member

    a little Denmark gold, 1909 Ten Kroner

    1909 Denmark Ten Kroner MS65 Rev.JPG 1909 Denmark Ten Kroner MS65 Obv.JPG
  17. Derick

    Derick Well-Known Member

    This is a favorite of mine. Very nice coin!
  18. GSDykes

    GSDykes Well-Known Member

    Just got the Lady's last year. Lots of color but the detail is almost MS!!
  19. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    jj00 likes this.
  20. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    I have one too, its a lovely obverse. Reverse is boring though.

    Great cartwheels, britannia40.
  21. britannia40

    britannia40 Well-Known Member

    im not big on ancients but for 5$ I couldn't pass it up. Old india KSHATRAP King Portrait.
    anc.jpg anc1.jpg
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