World Coins: Your Newest Acquisition!

Discussion in 'World Coins' started by petro89, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. sonlarson

    sonlarson World Silver Collector

    1986 Malta Proof Set. Mintage 10,000. Krause values the 1 Cent Proof at $75. I paid much less than that for the entire set. This was a little more than my $15 sets in the past, but I'm happy.

    1986 Malta Proof set.jpg
    jj00, 49ers, J.A.K. and 4 others like this.
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  3. sonlarson

    sonlarson World Silver Collector

    Another inexpensive set. 1989 Netherlands Proof Set. Mintage 15,300
    1989 Netherlands Proof set.jpg
    jj00, 49ers, J.A.K. and 2 others like this.
  4. sonlarson

    sonlarson World Silver Collector

    Grand Finale. Took a few buys to piece this together. I always wanted to get a complete set of the Libertads. Minus the Kilo. 5, 2, 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/10, and 1/20 onzas.

    2014 Mexico Libertad set.jpg 2014 onzas.JPG
    jj00, H8_modern, 49ers and 4 others like this.
  5. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    1899 Hong Kong silver 5c 2015-03-29 15.40.21-1.png 2015-03-29 15.41.19-1.png
    jj00, 49ers, spirityoda and 2 others like this.
  6. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

  7. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

    This a great coin so cool looking. I have the same one.
  8. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    After wanting a portrait for many years, finally got a Napoleon I coin, a 5 francs.

    jj00, Hiddendragon, chrisild and 5 others like this.
  9. Dave M

    Dave M Francophiliac

    That's very cool, Mat.
  10. JGusta77

    JGusta77 Member

    I am super excited about this one - 1875-A Prussia 5 Mark.

    FullSizeRender (35).jpg

    FullSizeRender (36).jpg
    Effigy303, jj00, J.A.K. and 5 others like this.
  11. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

  12. JGusta77

    JGusta77 Member

    Thanks! Just arrived today, very happy!
    49ers likes this.
  13. cletis faye

    cletis faye Well-Known Member

  14. cletis faye

    cletis faye Well-Known Member

  15. 49ers

    49ers Junior Member

  16. jello

    jello Not Expert★NormL®

    JGusta77, 49ers and cletis faye like this.
  17. cletis faye

    cletis faye Well-Known Member

  18. cletis faye

    cletis faye Well-Known Member

  19. Jason Hoffpauir

    Jason Hoffpauir Avid Coin Collector

    I think what YOU dont get repeatley is that the OP doesn't NEED you to lead him to water. If you don't like the reactiion to the recommendations you give...don't give them. JMHO.
  20. stevex6

    stevex6 Random Mayhem

    Ummm, it took you 5 months to pen-out that response?


    Great coins, fellas => please keep 'em coming!!
  21. H8_modern

    H8_modern Attracted to small round-ish art

    A few from a friend who knows my daughter, Victoria, likes turtles.

    Inquisitive, jj00, spirityoda and 7 others like this.
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