These are listed in the Colonial section of the Red Book of US coins, though they were technically an issue struck for use in Ireland (Hibernia).
I recognize the Hibernia part. I'm not familiar with the type I should say in regards to strike. Is ita well struck issue? I do know most I've seen are much more worn than this. I think the obverse is better and possibly AU50. The reverse looks much weaker and I'd say XF40 for it. So I net graded it!
Oh. Sorry. Yeah, I’m not sure of the strike characteristics myself, never having owned any. No, wait, I think I did own a really low grade halfpenny once.
In my initial assessment I thought the obverse looked close to 50 myself, but I dialed that back a notch to be conservative, and went with 40-45. -ish.
Like others, I know nothing about grading these. Mine is low grade. I'll go out on a limb and say XF-45, just because I like the coin.
You need to grade this coin by the obverse. The flatness on the resverse, which might lead you to say VF or EF, is due to the strike.
AU 55 ....obverse looks super strong and I'm guessing the reverse is a weak strike (initially I was thinking it was an XF grade but the obverse suggests its much nicer)