Wolf head on galley? fel temp

Discussion in 'Ancient Coins' started by randygeki, Jan 26, 2019.

  1. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    I got this in the mail the other day and can't decide if I see a wolf head at the front of the galley or not.


    similar to this one:


    some other galley's for comparison
    IMG_3714.jpg cnsglftr12.jpg cgftr1br (1).jpg cn3991.JPG
    alde, dlhill132, Chris B and 7 others like this.
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  3. TIF

    TIF Always learning.

    It definitely looks like some purposeful prow ornament, perhaps a wolf. Are the prow decorations something that is noted in cataloging systems?
    randygeki likes this.
  4. Ocatarinetabellatchitchix

    Ocatarinetabellatchitchix Well-Known Member

    There is that description on wilwinds : “with head of an animal, looks like a wolf to me .”
    randygeki and Roman Collector like this.
  5. Ocatarinetabellatchitchix

    Ocatarinetabellatchitchix Well-Known Member

    Maybe it was not only decorations. N.Fuentes wrote in one of his books :"Most depictions of Roman galleys show between the triplepointed embolum (ram) and the curve of the prow, a proembolum (projecting beak) which was often carved in the shape of an animal: boar, wolf, etcs.; the probable purpose of the proembolum was to break off the oars of an opposing vessel at their ports".

  6. TIF

    TIF Always learning.

    I agree-- rams were made to.... ram :D. Sometimes they were embellished and looked like animals, sometimes they were utilitarian.
    randygeki likes this.
  7. Ken Dorney

    Ken Dorney Yea, I'm Cool That Way...

    Just a simple battering ram to me.
    randygeki likes this.
  8. ancient coin hunter

    ancient coin hunter 3rd Century Usurper

    That's pretty cool @randygeki ! Some fine attention to detail there.
    randygeki likes this.
  9. Mat

    Mat Ancient Coincoholic

    Nice addition, Randy.
    randygeki likes this.
  10. randygeki

    randygeki Coin Collector

    Thanks all. Still on the fence if it's a head or not.
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